Tag: Anti-Virus

Hong Kong Says Anti-Virus Controls Might Be Tightened

HONG KONG— Stringent anti-virus controls that ban public gatherings in Hong Kong of more than two people might be tightened to stop a surge in infections, the territory’s top health official said Sunday, as 14 deaths and more than 6,000 new cases were reported. Health Secretary Sophia Chan, speaking on a radio program, gave no…

Honey Found To Have Potent Anti-Influenza Activity

Honey is appreciated the world over as one of Nature’s most delicious foods, but did you know it may have potent anti-flu activity as well? A fascinating new study published in the Archives of Medical Research titled, “Anti-influenza Viral Effects of Honey In Vitro: Potent High Activity of Manuka Honey,” reveals that honey may actually provide a natural…