Tag: anarchy

Anarcho-Tyranny Unleashed in the United States

Commentary The terms anarchy and tyranny seem like they are in contradiction. Anarchy means no state. Tyranny means nothing but state. What possibly could anarcho-tyranny mean? It’s a phrase coined by the right-Hegelian political theorist Samuel Francis, whose dark worldview was never my cup of tea, to say the least. Even so, he was insightful,…

The United States of Social Anarchy

Commentary Can you sense it? Do you feel the dread? Institutions are failing. Cohesion has frayed. As the poet wrote, the center cannot hold, the best lack all conviction, while the worst are filled with passionate intensity. Our country is becoming the United States of Social Anarchy. Why is this happening? Blame a hyper-focus on…

Antifa Summer Camp in Portland Teaches Anarchy to Children

A summer camp in Portland, Oregon, is offering children the opportunity to become budding social justice warriors (SJW) while “reflecting on white supremacy” and learning Black Lives Matter (BLM) chants about putting “killer cops in jail.” The Budding Roses camp in August for fourth through eighth graders is a project of the Black Rose Anarchist Federation, a…

In Canada, We’ve Succumbed to Make-Believe

Commentary Supporters of the COVID convoys are given to overheated claims that Canada has become despotic, even fascist. But the actual course of the protest suggests a very different danger, namely anarchy. Despite their excessive ambitions and meddlings, governments in Canada are not strong. They can barely lift anything. What is striking about the so-called…

One Man’s Anarchy Is Another’s Road to Justice

Commentary Sheer chaos and anarchy on the border? Afghanistan—the most humiliating defeat in recent U.S. military history? A labor-starved supply chain in shambles and holiday shelves emptying out? The worst inflation in 30 years that seems soon ready to match Carter-era levels? Gas hitting $5 a gallon with winter heating fuels soaring? Free-for-all looting in…