Tag: A-level

UK A-Level Grades Drop as Exam Boards Rein in ‘Lockdown Inflation’

British school leaving grades have fallen, according to data published Thursday, as exam boards reigned in “grade inflation” from the lockdowns, when schools were shut and A-level exams replaced with teacher assessment. The A-level exam results in England show 82.1 percent of students received a C grade or above compared to 88.2 percent in 2021…

A-level Grades Surge to Record High After Exams Cancelled for Second Year

The proportion of A-level entries awarded an A grade or higher has risen to an all-time high after exams were cancelled for the second year in a row due to COVID-19. In total, more than two in five (44.8 percent) of UK entries were awarded an A or A* grade this summer, up by 6.3…