Tag: 70s

Couple Buy 70s ‘Time Capsule’ Home With Retro Appliances and Wall-to-Wall Shag Carpet for $161,000

It isn’t unusual to see home-for-sale photos that have gone viral because of highly unique or personalized features, which set them apart from the blasé, cookie cutter norm. When one couple from Orlando, Florida, saw a truly unique home in Indiana, with much of its original 70s décor and features still intact, they knew they…

UK Vaccine Rollout Reaches Over 70s Priority Group

The UK government announced on Monday that vaccines against COVID-19 are now being rolled out to those aged 70 and over, aiming to reach the whole group by the middle of next month. “Now that more than half of all over-80s have had their jab, we can begin vaccinating the next most vulnerable groups,” Health…