Category: zero emissions

Wind Knocked out of New Zealand Flatulence Tax as Opposition Withdraws Support

The world-first flatulence tax appears to have been derailed after the main opposition party in New Zealand pulled its support for the legislation. The National Party has said it will no longer support the He Waka Eke Noa, a partnership between agriculture leaders and the government that proposes farmers individually calculate and pay for their…

Canadian Environment Minister Threatens Criminal Sanctions Against Coal-Burning Provinces

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe recently said the province will continue to use its three coal plants until the end of their lives, beyond the 2030 federal deadline for phasing out coal. Federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault said Wednesday that would be illegal. “We’ve regulated the ban on coal through CEPA [Canadian Environmental Protection Act], which is…

Cory Morgan: If Canada Is to Catch Up on the Rapidly Growing Housing Shortage, Governments Need to Get out of the Way

Commentary Canada’s housing affordability challenges are about to get a whole lot worse soon. While the Canadian government has set immigration targets at 500,000 people per year, anticipated new home construction is expected to fall short of national needs by 100,000. Governments at all levels need to address this issue before it becomes a full-blown…

US Commits to 100 Percent Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Sales by 2040

The United States on Nov. 17 committed to pushing to sell only zero-emission trucks and buses by 2040. U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm signed a global memorandum of understanding on the matter on Nov. 17 at a global summit on climate issues. Described by the Drive To Zero Campaign as the “world’s most ambitious agreement to address climate…

‘Zero Emissions’ From Electric Vehicles? Here’s Why That Claim Has Zero Basis

As California, New York, and other states move to phase out the sale of gasoline-powered cars, public officials routinely echo the Biden administration’s claim that electric vehicles are a “zero emissions” solution that can significantly mitigate the effects of climate change. Car and energy experts, however, say there is no such thing as a zero-emissions vehicle: For now and the foreseeable future, the…

Is California’s Mission to Reach Zero-Emissions Possible? | Mark Mills

California is planning to spend $10 billion on battery-powered vehicles and ban the sale of gas-powered vehicles by 2035. But is this going to make us greener? My guest is Mark Mills, physicist and senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. He explains how shifting to zero-emission vehicles might not be as green as we think….

Tech Billionaire’s Bold Takeover Bid Lacks Understanding of Power Grid Stability

Commentary With his bid to buy AGL, an Australian energy giant, and transition it to renewables, Mike Cannon-Brookes shows he does not understand the broader operating characteristics of the electricity market. The early retirement of coal fired power stations will drive up the cost to consumers for electricity. This is because of the requirement to invest…

Are California’s Bans Effective? | Kerry Jackson

My guest is Kerry Jackson, a fellow with the Center for California Reform at the Pacific Research Institute. He explains the various types of bans occurring in California and how he feels the state is going too far.   Follow Epoch TV on social media: Facebook: Twitter: Rumble: Gettr: Gab:…

China Fools Western Environmentalists

News Analysis Beijing is all talk and no action in terms of achieving its net-zero emissions goal. Chinese leader Xi Jinping declared in 2020 that China will be “carbon neutral” and achieve “net-zero emissions” by 2060. This announcement was greeted with much fanfare by green energy advocates around the world. According to state-run Global Times, Beijing is…

Aggressive Zero-Emission Vehicle Quota Plan Draws Fire From Critics

Environment Minister Stephen Guilbeault wants to put a mandate in place by early 2023 that would require auto dealers to meet increasingly higher annual goals for selling zero-emission vehicles. In a plan critics say is impractical, the federal government aims to have half of all new passenger cars sold in Canada be zero-emission by 2030,…