Category: weight lifting

Lift Heavy or Smaller Weights With High Reps? It All Depends on Your Goal

So you want to lift weights but aren’t sure where to start. You scroll through your Instagram feed looking for guidance – but all you see are fitness influencers touting the idea you either lift big or don’t bother. That’s a bit intimidating and disheartening, right? But as with most things exercise and health, its…

Teen With Bulimia and Anorexia Weighed Just 77lb, Reclaims Life With Weightlifting

Ellie Makin, from Manchester, England, says that healthy diets and exercise plans have helped her beat her life-threatening eating disorders after she weighed a mere 77 pounds (35 kg) at her lowest. The 17-year-old would spend hours on the running machine each week in a bid to “stay thin.” But after suffering a stroke due to her…