Category: Water

Strange Properties of Water Revealed Via Graphene Oxide

Instinctively, people assume that if you poke additional holes in a sieve, more water will pass through; however, recent research demonstrates that the opposite may be true at the nanoscale with a global team of scientists from Australia, Germany, France and Japan finding that water does not behave as expected while using Graphene Oxide (GO) filters….

VIDEO: ‘Unique’ Cat Has Gone Viral for Her Funny and Cute Obsession With Taking Showers

An aversion to water is a commonly known trait of most household cats. However, a cat from upstate New York has been breaking the stereotype with her obsession with taking showers. Meet Pym, a 7 1/2-year-old domestic shorthair cat who lives with her owner, Katie Behr, a nurse practitioner who hails from a small town…

TCM Advice: Insufficient Water Intake Can Lead to Obesity

Water is an important ingredient of the human body, accounting for about 70 percent of the body weight. It is also essential in maintaining normal physiological functions. Statistical data show that life will be at risk when 15 percent of water inside the body is lost. In other words, sufficient water intake plays a vital…

Western States Hit With More Cuts to Colorado River Water

SALT LAKE CITY—For the second year in a row, Arizona and Nevada will face cuts in the amount of water they can draw from the Colorado River as the West endures more drought, federal officials announced Tuesday. Though the cuts will not result in any immediate new restrictions—like banning lawn watering or car washing—they signal…

The Fabulous Four

This film is only available in the United States because of territorial licensing. The world seen through the four elements: fire, air, water, earth—the natural elements from which every element of which matter is made originates. Fire represents the purifying element and embodies the principle of life. The air, impalpable, is the vital breath we…

Over 4 Million Los Angeles Residents Affected by Upcoming Water Shutdown

More than 4 million residents living in Los Angeles County must suspend outdoor watering for 15 days in September due to emergency pipeline repairs, announced the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) on Aug. 15. The 36-mile pipeline, a critical conduit that delivers Colorado River water into Southern California, was set to be repaired…

‘Many Crops Will Fail’ Under Water Ban, Scottish Farmers Say

Scottish farmers say they are fearful that restrictions on taking water from rivers imposed in parts of the country “will now be the end for some,” and that the decision will affect the vegetable sector for “weeks and months to come.” On Saturday, Scotland’s water environmental agency SEPA banned farmers from abstracting water from the…

California Unveils New Long-Term Strategy to Bolster Water Security

The governor of California on Thursday unveiled a new water-supply strategy that will enhance storing, recycling, and conserving more water that would otherwise go to waste. Gavin Newsom’s (D-Calif.) proposal comes as drought continues to grip the West Coast and the state prepares to lose 10 percent of its water supply by 2040, according to…

Delta Conveyance Project: Time to Start Moving Dirt and Stop Throwing Mud

Commentary The window may be closing on the Delta Conveyance Project as California slowly slides back to the stone age, while blaming everyone and everything except the organizations and individuals who have perfected the policy of paralysis by analysis. The Delta Conveyance Project would be the completion of the state’s most vulnerable and valuable asset—and…

New Zealand’s Capital City Is Running out of Water

The capital city of New Zealand, Wellington, is unable to provide enough water to meet demand, meaning water restrictions during the upcoming summer are almost inevitable. A report by Wellington Water told local councils that due to limited funding, it was unable to sufficiently maintain its aging water infrastructure, with many assets already beyond the…