Category: Viewpoints

Free Speech Takes a Backseat as Musk’s Twitter Threatened With $700,000 Daily Fines

Commentary Free speech is a precious thing. It deserves protection. It needs to be cherished. Free speech allows for new, even radical ideas to be considered. Without free speech, which is an expression of free thought, much of what is enjoyed and understood today would be denied us. In debates, the truth will ultimately win…

What Is Queensland Doing With All Its Mining Royalties?

Commentary Queensland Treasurer Cameron Dick is launching a $1.5 million (US$1 million) advertising campaign to fend off the Queensland Resource Council’s pursuit of him over his increases to Queensland’s coal royalties. He probably thinks it is money well spent. However,  the Queensland government should be embarrassed by the whole policy. The coal royalty reflects poorly on the…

California Hires Recalled SF District Attorney to Train Law Students in Criminal Justice

Commentary California leaders continue to charge ahead in implementing a radical “progressive” (a.k.a. socialist) agenda even when it goes directly against the will of the people. For instance, California voters have twice voted to ban the use of affirmative action in hiring and school admissions. But the state’s leaders continue to implement gender and racial…

Whose Fault Is Missing Testosterone Report in Nashville Coventry School Murders?

Commentary It’s approaching three months since the horrifying murders of three children and three adults at Nashville’s Coventry School and no one really knows why they happened. Well, there are theories, of course, most revolving around the contents of the so-called “Manifesto” and other documents left by the killer, Audrey Elizabeth Hale, who fortunately was…

Barbara Kay: Mulling Legal Sanctions Over Arbitrary ‘Residential School Denialism’ Accusations Is Dangerous Territory

Commentary Kimberly Murray, an indigenous rights careerist appointed to advise Attorney General David Lametti on missing children, unmarked graves, and burial sites associated with the Indian Residential Schools, has submitted a controversial interim report. Most troubling amongst the recommendations, Murray urges the government to impose legal sanctions on dissenters to the now received wisdom amongst…

US, California Headed Into Recession: Chapman Forecast

Commentary The U.S. economy is wheezing, and with it California’s. The numbers tell the story, from Chapman University’s Economic Forecast Update, given at the school on June 22 by President Emeritus Jim Doti and his colleagues. The video can be found on YouTube. I’ve been attending Doti’s presentations for 36 years now, and he always…

Cities Should Be Ready for More Surprises From Orange County Power Authority

Orange County cities are on the cusp of learning that their general funds are exposed to liability claims due to the Orange County Power Authority’s (OCPA) activities. [1] Supporters of community choice aggregation (CCA) champion its “financial firewall” as a catch-all safety net against financial loss. However, CCAs—which automatically switch consumers into their programs amid…

An Opportunity From Russia: The Wagner Rebellion

Commentary The Wagner Group, an international Russian paramilitary organization led by Yevgeny Prigozhin, mutinied on June 23–24. Wagner fighters reportedly occupied two military bases, including in the southern Russian city of Rostov, where Moscow has its main military headquarters for the south. The Rostov headquarters also serves as a key node for Russia’s occupation of…

John Robson: Celebrate Canada Day With Gratitude and Drop the Anti-Canadian Propaganda

Commentary Happy Dominion Day, from the river to the ends of the Earth. It’s a bit archaic. But it sure beats Canada Day, where they smash statues of Sir John A. Macdonald and lower flags to half-mast because hundreds of bodies weren’t found, but if you say so they want to put you in jail….

John Robson: Celebrate Dominion (Canada) Day With Gratitude and Drop the Anti-Canadian Propaganda

Commentary Happy Dominion Day, from the river to the ends of the Earth. It’s a bit archaic. But it sure beats Canada Day, where they smash statues of Sir John A. Macdonald and lower flags to half-mast because hundreds of bodies weren’t found, but if you say so they want to put you in jail….