Category: viewpoint diversity

IN-DEPTH: JPMorgan Chase Faces Backlash Over Alleged Discrimination Against Religious and Conservative Groups

In the spring of 2022, Sam Brownback, a former U.S. senator, governor of Kansas, and U.S. ambassador, co-founded the National Committee for Religious Freedom (NCRF) to, in his words, “protect the right to the free exercise of faith for all Americans.” NCRF’s board members decided to set up the non-profit’s bank accounts at JPMorgan Chase….

JPMorgan Chase Defeats Shareholder Proposal to Investigate Allegations of Political, Religious Discrimination

In the spring of 2022, Sam Brownback, a former U.S. senator, governor of Kansas, and U.S. ambassador, co-founded the National Committee for Religious Freedom (NCRF) to, in his words, “protect the right to the free exercise of faith for all Americans.” NCRF’s board members decided to set up the non-profit’s bank accounts at JPMorgan Chase….

Shareholders Charge Political Bias at PayPal

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sided with conservative investors this week in their request to investigate what they say is PayPal’s systematic political and religious discrimination against customers. Over the objections of PayPal’s management, the SEC allowed a proposal by the National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR) to go to a shareholder vote…

SEC Sides With Conservative Investors Charging Discrimination at PayPal

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sided with conservative investors this week in their request to investigate what they say is PayPal’s systematic political and religious discrimination against customers. Over the objections of PayPal’s management, the SEC allowed a proposal by the National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR) to go to a shareholder vote…

Conservative Shareholders Charge Discrimination at PayPal

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sided with conservative investors this week in their request to investigate what they say is PayPal’s systematic political and religious discrimination against customers. Over the objections of PayPal’s management, the SEC allowed a proposal by the National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR) to go to a shareholder vote…