Category: Vaccine injury compensation program

The NIH Studied COVID-19 Vaccine Injured in 2021—What Happened to Their Treatment?

Americans who developed neurological complications from the COVID-19 vaccines are not being compensated by the government because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not recognize these as safety signals. “If they fail to recognize all these neurological complications, then the Department of Health and Human Services, through the CICP (Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program),…

Vaccine Makers, Immune From Liability

“If the product is safe,” asks Aaron Siri, “why does the manufacturer need blanket immunity to liability for injuries the product causes?” In a recent episode of “American Thought Leaders,” host Jan Jekielek and Siri discussed vaccine manufacturers and their unprecedented protections from liability for injuries and even death caused by their products. Siri, a…

Big Pharma’s ‘Spiderweb’ of Influence on US Medical Ecosystem: Drug Safety Advocate

For nearly 20 years, Kim Witczak has been an advocate for pharmaceutical drug safety and reform, most recently pushing for COVID-19 vaccine transparency and accountability. Witczak was propelled into this work by the suicide of her husband of 10 years, which was alleged to have been caused by the anti-depressant Zoloft, prescribed for his insomnia….

Vaccine Injury (In)Justice: Empty Government Promises, Looming Financial Fallout

The government and pharmaceutical companies know that some people have severe reactions to vaccines. That’s why they created a compensation program for victims. But so far, not a single cent has been paid out, despite receiving over 7,000 vaccine injury claims (as of Sept 1). Why is that? What’s at work behind the scenes? Our…

‘I Don’t Want Them to Be Forgotten’: Vaccine-Injured Canadians Receive Support From Multiple Groups, Individuals

Ron Nigut is a familiar face outside his BC MLA’s constituency office. Since his wife, Susan Hiebert, passed away in December 2021, he has made the hour-long trek most weeks from his home in Bowser, B.C., to Minister Josie Osborne’s locale in Port Alberni, holding a sign seeking recognition for his wife. Nigu says officially…

Doctors Reluctant to Link Adverse Reactions to Jab: Personal Injury Lawyer

Australians seeking compensation for adverse reactions after receiving the jab have complained of having their symptoms dismissed or not investigated by doctors, according to a personal injury lawyer. Clare Eves, national leader for Shine Lawyers’ medical negligence division, says the lack of proper post-vaccination care was one of several challenges hindering Australians from successfully making…

People Injured by COVID-19 Vaccine Are Left in the Dark: Agricultural Pilot

People injured by the COVID-19 vaccine have no meaningful way to get compensated and have been ignored by the federal government, according to an agricultural pilot who has been seriously injured by taking the COVID-19 vaccine. “At this point, the government has totally abandoned us,” Cody Flint, a vaccine-injured pilot, told NTD’s “The Nation Speaks”…