Category: urban

Inflation in Rural Areas Much Higher Than in Cities

High inflation is hurting rural households disproportionately compared to urban dwellers, according to a survey. According to Iowa State University (ISU) researcher Dave Peters, the disposable income for rural residents has fallen 38 percent since 2021, dropping from nearly $10,000 a year to just $6,000. Other comparable studies have shown that the disposable income of residents…

Seven Ways to Make Cities Better for Mental Health

Much of the world lives in urban settings, with North America housing 82% of its population in cities. But while cities can be attractive places to live, providing work and recreational opportunities for people, they can also be lonely and unhealthy. In fact, a recent survey of mayors in 126 American cities found that the…

Chinese Migrant Workers’ Protests Over Unpaid Wages Escalate During Chinese New Year

Amid the Chinese New Year holiday, migrant workers in mainland China are growing increasingly frustrated due to unpaid wages. At the end of 2020, the Chinese regime promised to clear all unpaid wages to migrant workers—but this doesn’t appear to be the case. One migrant worker who spoke with The Epoch Times said that the…