Category: Unity

Uniting America by Embracing Tradition and Standing Up to the CCP

Following a highly contested election, our nation needs to find unity as tensions remain high and divisions run deep. We suggest Americans can find unity by coming together to oppose an enemy who has for decades sought our nation’s destruction, and by renewing the tradition that has helped to shape and guide our nation. At…

The Left Wants Unconditional Surrender, Not Unity

Commentary About two years ago, one of my wife’s best friends began to turn down invitations to get together. Then, out of the blue, she unfriended my wife on Facebook. That’s kind of a rude way to brush off someone, so my wife finally asked her: What gives? Have I offended you? Her terse text…

The Nation Speaks (Jan. 23): Alan Dershowitz on the Perils of Impeachment; Finding Common Ground; Why America is the World’s Most Generous Country

In this episode, we talk to Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law School professor emeritus and constitutional law expert, about the dangers of using impeachment as a political tool and the future of free speech in America. And in a time of deep divide, Dr. George Barna, director of research at Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian…

Heather Higgins: Silencing People and Forcing Them to ‘Accept Guilt’ Not the Way to Unity

Heather Higgins, chairwoman of the Independent Women’s Forum, suggested that the left’s current narrative of “unity” is coming across to the other side as being asked to “accept guilt” and “shut up.” “There’s a lot of ‘we need to unify,’” Higgins told Jan Jekielek, host of The Epoch Times’ American Thought Leaders program on Jan….