Category: Unity

[PREMIERING NOW] More Divided Than Ever, Time for National Divorce?

Civil War America was split by region: north and south. Today, it’s worse—divided not just politically but socially, too, with the working- and middle-class versus the laptop elites. Should we part ways before it gets even worse? Or maybe the solution to our troubled union is found in the Constitution. In this controversial new episode…

More Divided Than Ever, Time for National Divorce?

Civil War America was split by region: north and south. Today, it’s worse—divided not just politically but socially, too, with the working- and middle-class versus the laptop elites. Should we part ways before it gets even worse? Or maybe the solution to our troubled union is found in the Constitution. In this controversial new episode…

[Premiering at 10AM ET] More Divided Than Ever, Time for National Divorce?

Civil War America was split by region: north and south. Today, it’s worse—divided not just politically but socially, too, with the working- and middle-class versus the laptop elites. Should we part ways before it gets even worse? Or maybe the solution to our troubled union is found in the Constitution. In this controversial new episode…

Netanyahu Formally Tasked With Forming New Israeli Government

JERUSALEM—Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received an official mandate on Sunday to form a new government. Tasking Netanyahu with building the next coalition, President Isaac Herzog noted that Israel’s longest-serving premier had received enough recommendations from like-minded parties to secure 64 of parliament’s 120 seats. That puts the conservative Netanyahu on the path to…

Unity in Love and Hate

Commentary There have been celebrations of national unity and purpose on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean during this past week. In Britain, a country as badly politically divided as our own in many ways, hundreds of thousands of people stood in lines that were at times several miles long to catch a glimpse of…

How California’s Awakening Will Bring Unity and Prosperity | Jack Hibbs

My guest is Pastor Jack Hibbs, who says California has hit rock bottom and the only way to go now is up. He discusses the influence of special interest in politics and what needs to happen to bring unity and prosperity back to our state.   Follow Epoch TV on social media: Facebook: Twitter: Rumble:…

When ‘Unity’ Means One-Party Rule

You can’t say he didn’t warn us. It’s true that, in his inaugural address, President Joe Biden’s call for “unity,” coming as it did after a period of great civil strife and contention, sounded like a promise. It’s only taken us nine months to discover that the promised unity was really a threat. You may…

Actions More Important Than Words

Commentary During his inauguration speech last week, President Joe Biden called for unity, and millions of Americans watched and applauded. The words were hopeful, inspiring, and forward-looking. Biden said: “To all those who did not support us, let me say this: Hear me out as we move forward. Take a measure of me and my…

Biden’s Unity: Obey Me or Else

Commentary The week after President Joe Biden’s inauguration, people are still wondering whether he was sincere in his call for unity. Why would anybody wonder? Of course he was sincere. As it happens, however, “unity” is not an American virtue. We’re not a unitary society but a pluralistic one. Almost everywhere in history, the unitary…

Biden’s Anti-Unity Agenda

Commentary President Joe Biden focused on the theme of unity in his inaugural address. “Today, on this January day, my whole soul is in this: bringing America together, uniting our people and uniting our nation,” he said. It sounds so nice. But only a career politician can be this disingenuous and speak the words as…