Category: Trudeau

O’Toole Calls for Pandemic Response Inquiry, Criticizes Feds’ Vaccine Procurement Plan With China

Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole criticized Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s decision to partner with China on making COVID-19 vaccines while calling for a public inquiry into the Liberal government’s pandemic response. During a press conference on April 6, O’Toole said Trudeau had “dropped the ball completely” when he turned to China to manufacture COVID-19 vaccines. A…

O’Toole Promises Pandemic Inquiry if Elected, Criticizes Feds’ Vaccine Procurement Plan With China

Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole criticized Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s decision to partner with China on making COVID-19 vaccines while promising a public inquiry into the Liberal government’s pandemic response if the Tories were to win power. During a press conference on April 6, O’Toole said Trudeau had “dropped the ball completely” when he turned to…

Canada Facing ‘Very Serious Third Wave’ of Pandemic: Trudeau

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said hospitalizations in Canada are surging, intensive care unit beds are filling up, and COVID-19 variants are spreading. “Around the world, countries are facing a very serious third wave of this pandemic,” Trudeau said during a press conference Tuesday. “And right now, so is Canada.” The prime minister reiterated the need…

How Net Zero by 2050 Dovetails With Beijing’s ‘Hundred-Year Marathon’

Commentary “What is the house of Eorl but a thatched barn where brigands drink in the reek, and their brats roll on the floor among the dogs?” demands the Chinese Communist Party’s consul in Rio about Canada and the Trudeau dynasty. Or rather, over a picture of Little Potato (the nickname Trudeau was given during…

Every Canadian Can Receive COVID-19 Vaccine by September: Trudeau

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Friday that every Canadian who wants a vaccine will receive one by September. “Everyone who wants to get vaccinated will be vaccinated by September,” Trudeau said during a press conference on COVID-19, the disease the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus causes. He added that Canada will receive 1 million doses…

Trudeau Says Ramped up Vaccine Deliveries to Bring 1M Pfizer Doses per Week to May 10

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Pfizer has guaranteed delivery of at least 1 million COVID−19 vaccine doses per week starting later this month and lasting into early May. Trudeau says the updated delivery schedule begins March 22 and runs to May 10. He says one million doses of Pfizer−BioNTech vaccines every seven days is “going…

U.S. Secretary of State Plans Day of Virtual Visits Friday With Trudeau, Garneau

WASHINGTON—Antony Blinken will meet virtually Friday with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in a day of virtual visits for the U.S. secretary of state. Spokesperson Ned Price says Blinken will meet with Trudeau, Foreign Affairs Minister Marc Garneau and other members of the federal cabinet. Blinken will also meet with Mexico’s foreign secretary and secretary of…

O’Toole Calls on Trudeau, Liberal Cabinet to Recognize Uyghur Genocide in China

Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole is calling for the Liberal cabinet to “respect Parliament and officially recognize” Bejing’s persecution of Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims in China a genocide—after the cabinet abstained themselves from voting the motion that intended to declare the atrocities committed as so. “Today, Members from all parties voted to recognize the genocide…

Trudeau to Hold First Meeting With New U.S. President Biden Virtually on Tuesday

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will hold his first meeting with newly minted U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday. Trudeau’s office issued a statement saying the two leaders will hold their first bilateral meeting virtually, but provided few other details. A statement from the White House says members of the two cabinets will also convene on…

Parliament Prorogation Was ‘Delay Tactic’ Against WE Charity Probe, Committee Hears

The primary reason for last year’s Parliament prorogation was to get Prime Minister Justin Trudeau out of the WE Charity controversy, the Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (PROC) heard on Thursday. On June 25, 2020, the WE Charity was awarded a federal contract of $43.5 million to administer a student summer grant program, despite the organization’s…