Category: Trudeau government

Beijing’s Targeting of Overseas Activists Has Major Implications for Canada

Commentary Canada is seen by many as a refuge. A refuge for those escaping regimes where their opinions or missions are seen as inconsistent with the types of societies those regimes try to impose on their populations. In these nations, there is one way, and only one way, of doing things. You either acquiesce or…

Trudeau Rejects Calls for Public Inquiry Into Foreign Interference as Opposition Parties Unite

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau repeated on March 1 that he doesn’t support launching a public inquiry into allegations of foreign interference in Canadian elections as the three main opposition parties have now requested. He said in a news conference that there are already “an awful lot of mechanisms that are underway right now, determining what kind…

Backlog Targeted as Veterans Affairs Reports Nearly $1B for Ex-soldiers Was Unspent

The Trudeau government is facing fresh calls to eliminate the backlog of disability claims from ill and injured veterans amid revelations Veterans Affairs Canada failed to spend nearly $1 billion of its budget last year. Veterans Affairs Minister Lawrence MacAulay’s office says the backlog of thousands of unprocessed applications for financial and medical benefits did not…

The Canadian Economy Is Grinding to a Halt

Commentary For economic prognosticators, the year that just ended threw up some big surprises, including the first land war in Europe since 1945, spiralling inflation, and a series of rapid-fire interest rate increases as panicked central bankers rushed to tame soaring prices. Few, if any, forecasters anticipated these developments—a stark reminder of how hard it…

Ottawa Sanctions Two Haiti Cabinet Ministers Over Alleged Gang Ties

Canada is sanctioning two of Haiti’s cabinet ministers it accuses of helping violent gangs sow chaos in that country. Ottawa is barring Haiti’s Justice Minister Berto Dorcé and Interior Minister Liszt Quitel from entering Canada, and ordering any assets they hold in Canada to be frozen. The Trudeau government accuses the pair of “significant corruption…

Liberals Pledge $15 Million to Remove Ukraine Mines on Anniversary of Ottawa Treaty

The Trudeau government is pledging to spend $15 million to remove mines in Ukraine. Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly says the funding is meant to make the country safer after Russia has laid hundreds of the indiscriminate weapons. Human Rights Watch says Ukrainian forces have also been laying anti-tank mines across the country. Joly made…

Global Elites Are Spawning Food Shortages, Creating Submissive Population for Easier Control: Chris Sky | Facts Matter

Christopher Sky is a Canadian who has been active in the anti-lockdown, anti-mask, as well as anti-vaccine mandate movement. And because he has engaged in these activities which go in direct opposition to the Trudeau government, Sky has faced quite a bit of backlash in the forms of things like fines, arrest, as well as…

[Premiering 10/12 at 1PM ET] Global Elites Are Spawning Food Shortages, Creating Submissive Population For Easier Control: Chris Sky | Facts Matter

Christopher Sky is a Canadian who has been active in the anti-lockdown, anti-mask, as well as anti-vaccine mandate movement. And because he has engaged in these activities which go in direct opposition to the Trudeau government, Sky has faced quite a bit of backlash in the forms of things like fines, arrest, as well as…

[Premiering Now] Global Elites Are Spawning Food Shortages, Creating Submissive Population for Easier Control: Chris Sky | Facts Matter

Christopher Sky is a Canadian who has been active in the anti-lockdown, anti-mask, as well as anti-vaccine mandate movement. And because he has engaged in these activities which go in direct opposition to the Trudeau government, Sky has faced quite a bit of backlash in the forms of things like fines, arrest, as well as…

Cory Morgan: Handgun Import Ban: Liberals Using Orders-in-Council to Avoid Parliamentary Scrutiny at a Rate Unseen in Living Memory

Commentary An order-in-council (OIC) is a legislative tool used in parliaments to enact an action or regulation without having to go through all the steps formally required to pass a bill or motion in Parliament. It is accepted that the government cabinet can use this tool for items that don’t merit a full parliamentary debate…