Category: traditional wisdom

Obeying God Equals Obeying Nature

What does it mean to obey God regarding health? Is an ethic for living a balanced life detailed in the holy book of each religious tradition? Or does following “God’s law” require a reinterpretation to guide modern-day adherents to be faithful servants of soil and spirit to empower human health? Although the answers to these…

Earthing: Our Vital Connection to the Earth

What could help Tour de France riders sleep soundly, heal road rash and tendinitis, and feel vitality and high morale during the grueling days of the race? The secret is the special sleeping bag—an “earthing” bag. The discovery of how to use the Earth’s energy for healing can benefit everyone just as the energy has…

Five Natural Detoxifiers for a Healthy Year

From algae to common spices in the kitchen, here are five ingredients for the natural detoxification of heavy metals and toxins that are common in everyday life Whether you’re looking for a post-holiday fix-up or a year-round wellness solution, you can enhance the natural detoxification system of your body. Various whole foods including cruciferous vegetables,…

Five Natural Detoxifiers for Everyday Life

From algae to common spices in the kitchen, here are five ingredients for the natural detoxification of heavy metals and toxins that are common in everyday life Whether you’re looking for a post-holiday fix-up or a year-round wellness solution, you can enhance the natural detoxification system of your body. Various whole foods including cruciferous vegetables,…

Meditation: Improve Your Health in 20 Minutes a Day

The whole idea of meditation can be intimidating. If you’ve never done it before, you may think you need to “learn how” or “do it properly” to experience the benefit. This very thinking stops innumerable people from even beginning, and it just isn’t true. Simply taking 10 or 20 minutes to sit quietly without distractions…

Thoughts on Abstinence & Celibacy

I keep getting asked about this, so I give my answer in this video. To summarize, I don’t really have an opinion on whether or not people should experiment with abstinence. It’s entirely up to the individual. However, I HAVE noticed that people approach it in different ways, some with much more success than others….

Discover 5 Powerful Herbs to Support Respiratory Function

We all want healthy lungs.  Unfortunately, chemtrails, secondhand smoke, poor quality food, and aerosol contaminants (to name a few) create a greater risk of respiratory diseases.  To make matters worse, many of the medications doctors prescribe for these respiratory problems have a number of unwanted side effects, including insomnia, nausea, and irritability. The good news…

What Your Face Says About You

Mien shiang is an ancient Taoist art that literally means face (mien) reading (shiang) and has been practiced for more than 3,000 years. This ancient art aims to give us a wealth of information about a person–from personality traits to possible health problems—by simply looking at their face. Many ancient Taoists believed that the face…

Lost Your Sense of Smell? 6 Remedies for Anosmia

Loss of smell, or anosmia, can significantly impair your quality of life, but options like smell training, alpha-lipoic acid and turmeric may bring back your sense of smell naturally It’s easy to take your sense of smell for granted — that is, until it’s gone. Anosmia, or the inability to smell, isn’t a life-threatening condition,…

A Better Way to Make Hard Choices

Making a difficult decision can be overwhelming and paralyzing for some people. Decisions are difficult because we want a certain outcome but don’t know which choice will deliver it. And so we fret, ruminate, think and think and think some more, all in an effort to figure it out. We get caught in thoughts about…