Category: teeth

Centuries Old ‘Teeth Fixing Magic Formula’ Plus One Snack to Rescue Loose Teeth

As we grow older, we may face oral health issues such as loose teeth and periodontal disease—some to the extent of requiring dentures, which can have a great impact on life. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 96 percent of U.S. adults aged 65 and older have had…

2 Simple Practices for a Lifetime of Strong Healthy Teeth

One of my patients, overwhelmed by work and stress, neglected his dental health, leading to dental issues and costly dental treatments such as fillings and implants. Teeth serve as the first line of digestion. Poor dental health and tooth loss affect chewing and burden other digestive organs. Tooth loss can result in gum recession, impacting speech…

New Material to Replace Extracted Human Teeth for Dental Research

A wide range of dental research has been conducted, such as evaluating dental ceramic materials for crown restoration on teeth and testing dentine analog materials in laboratory-based mechanical and fatigue tests. However, collecting and using extracted human teeth is becoming increasingly difficult, given concerns about COVID-19, size-standardization issues, and time constraints. A research team led…

Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth at Home

A bright smile may be the first thing you notice about a person, but a closer look could reveal that their teeth are less than bright. The majority of Americans desire whiter teeth, and millions are spent each year on over-the-counter and in-office treatments to achieve this goal. As a result, many have wondered if…

Misaligned Teeth Affect Chewing and Induce Periodontal Diseases

Malocclusions (bad bites) not only affect the facial appearance and shape of the face but also affect oral health and chewing function. Malocclusion occurs when the teeth are misaligned, including crowded teeth, gapped teeth, overbites, and crossbites. Malocclusion is caused by the size difference between the jaws and teeth and is most often hereditary. However,…

Chewing Well Associated With Healthier Brain and Less Pain

Researchers have found that being able to chew food well lowers anxiety, improves memory, and reduces pain, providing a compelling case for early treatment of poor oral health, removal of misaligned teeth, or simply chewing more gum. Mice with crossbites showed significantly more noticeable and persistent anxiety-like behaviours, and “early removal of crossbites results in…

17-Year-Old Entrepreneur Turns Mission of Improving Children’s Oral Health into Reality with Million-Dollar Sugar-Free Candy Company

It has been said that the world always looks brighter from behind a smile. And that adage has been shaping Alina Morse’s thriving business decisions since she invented Zolli Candy at the age of 9 years old. Now, at 17, Morse not only creates new products for her extensive line of alternative candies, available through…

New Hong Kong Research Aims to Promote Tooth Tissue Regeneration

Researchers in Hong Kong have found a way to promote the regeneration of dental pulp tissue in a bid to find ways to help restore unhealthy teeth. The research was conducted by a team led by Dr. Waruna Dissanayaka, assistant professor of oral biosciences at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). The study is the…

AHA News: Health Conditions a Dentist Might Find That Have Nothing to Do With Your Teeth

By American Heart Association News HealthDay A visit to the dentist’s office could provide a glimpse into your heart and brain health. More than an estimated 100 diseases can show symptoms in the mouth. For instance, periodontal disease, which results from infections and inflammation of the gums and bone that support and surround the teeth,…

The Most Common Untreated Dental Disease May Be Linked to Cardiovascular Disease, Others

Untreated dental caries is the most prevalent condition worldwide, affecting 2.4 billion people and 32 percent of the population. Why?  It’s because we just love those sweet, sticky eats and drinks. It would not be so bad if we immediately rinsed with water to help neutralize the resulting acids, but of course we never do…