Category: tax the rich

In California, ‘Tax the Rich’ No Longer Just a Slogan

Commentary At New York’s Met Gala last year, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez infamously wore a white gown with “Tax the Rich” emblazoned in red across it. The irony that she wore it at an event not open to the common people she purports to represent, and that she started selling “tax the rich” sweatshirts on her website…

Midterm Elections Could Bring Higher Taxes In Some States: What Voters Need to Know

As Americans head to polls in one of the highest turnouts for midterm elections, several major issues are on the table, such as tax policy changes that will have a significant impact on Americans’ personal financial situations. Tax policy involves everyone from the average earner to the richest Americans, and accounts for deductions and incentives,…

‘Billionaire Tax’ Expands Taxable Income, Should Be Dead on Revival Say Critics

President Joe Biden’s proposed “billionaire tax” may sound good to many voters, but it is fraught with vagaries that could redefine—and expand—the nation’s tax code, according to first-look analyses across a range of publications and sites, from The Wall Street Journal to the Heritage Foundation. The tax proposal was included within Biden’s $5.8 billion Fiscal…