Category: subscriber

Why Did the Political Leaders Run Away?

I want to ask why, among all those senators and congressmen and women who find it so easy to send our troops to dangerous places around the world, not one of them had the courage to stand and shout “Stop This.” They all ran away with their security guards, etc. Or hidden behind closed doors….

Protocol for Honest Elections—America’s Non Transparent Voting System Is ‘De Facto’ Fraud

The 2020 election was a “hot mess” by any standard. It was an “anything goes” affair where many Americans could vote at almost any time, anyhow, and anywhere … completely eliminating meaningful transparency and effective oversight of the voting process. Democracy demands transparency, not trust. Yet America’s voting system has become completely nontransparent, a “de…

Red-Herring Journalism and Globalism

Tactically, the way to advance an agenda is to denigrate those who oppose it. It’s called red-herring journalism and is being applied by the mass media in its attempt to render globalism as a desirable end. In striving to substantiate their red-herring remarks, Donald Trump’s detractors liberally infuse their outpourings with standard, globalist, derogatory terms,…

Trump Rally Hijacked

On Wednesday, Jan. 6, we witnessed the hijacking of President Donald Trump’s rally. The president called on his supporters to demonstrate their disapproval of the 2020 election. He did not encourage them to attack and illegally enter and damage the Capital. History and the Wednesday timeline support this position. Trump’s rallies, while very large, have…

The Deep State Is Back

They lived in fear from the minute he took office. Knowing what they had gotten away with for eight years, Democrats got busy right away to collectively go to war against President Donald Trump. For four years, they kept at it, keeping him preoccupied with a Soviet-style investigation and a burlesque-House impeachment meant to keep…

Political Survival in 2021 America

Now that we have seen the complete and utter takeover of the electoral process by the Democrat Party, and now that we have seen that the Dems will stop at nothing to push forward their radical anti-American agenda, where do conservatives go? What is our pathway forward? I thought that surely people would stand up…


At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked, “Well, doctor, what have we got, a Republic or a Monarchy?” His response was prophetic: “A Republic, if you can keep it.” Today, those words reverberate in our hearts as we and the world witnessed the open and blatant theft of the…

I Am Extremely Thankful

For most of my 60+ years as an adult, I relied on the major networks for my accurate news. About two years ago I realized that those networks, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, are NOT the accurate news media previously thought. At that time I followed news on FOX news but most recently I have…

Destruction of Culture

Thank you for the articulate essay “A Perfect Storm Seeks Destruction of the US” by Michael Walsh, in the Dec. 30, 2020, edition. I agree the destruction of our culture is tragic and a work in progress. It is an effective “dumbing down” of America. I suggest we not leave out of the discussion a…

The Truth Is Scarce

Truth is in the eye of the beholder. A lie told repeatedly soon starts to be believed by those that are gullibly naive. The biased, sensationalist media are propagating all kinds of questionable subjects that are intended to cause angst in the general population. Socialist/Democrat Party, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, fascist professors, mainstream media, Hollywood…