Category: stress

Turn Your Anxiety Into Something Useful

Neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki has some research-backed tips for turning anxiety—an all-too-familiar and unpleasant emotion for many people—into a “superpower.” In an effort to neutralize some of the shame and stigma associated with the condition, Suzuki, a professor of neural science at New York University, likes to begin her talks by citing that as much as…

Want Less Stress? Try Kindness

You’ve tried it all. From deep breathing, to taking a nap, to venting to your friends, and yet you still feel stressed. Why not try a little kindness? Stress seems to be an epidemic these days. And if we’re not careful, today’s stress can become tomorrow’s anxiety, depression, or worse. But as we seek ways…

7 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Must Workout

By Bertrand Ngampa Expectations placed on successful entrepreneurs are steep. Wearing multiple hats, having a hand in everything, and working endless hours combine to make it easy to overlook one of the key aspects of having an accomplished career: overall health and fitness. Innumerable new and veteran business owners experience high levels of unmanaged stress, fatigue, blood pressure,…

5 Ways to Add Self-Care Into Your Busy Schedule

By Aditi Ramchandani We all know self-care should be a priority. But most of us don’t have the time to make it a priority. Here is something that you probably didn’t know: The busier you are, the greater self-care you need. Doctors like Dr. Christiane Northrup have found that “being too busy can cause serious health problems.” When…

Fueling Your Body Is Key to Fueling Your Business

Article by Dr. Jerry Bailey Few entrepreneurs are aware of how their diet affects their mental health along with how the foods they eat mitigate their ability to handle stress. Over the last few years, our collective mental state has declined immensely from isolation in quarantine and the poor choices in foods we have been making….

How Writing Can Improve Mental Health

Ernest Hemingway famously said that writers should “write hard and clear about what hurts.” Although Hemingway may not have known it at the time, research has now shown that writing about “what hurts” can help improve our mental health. There are more than 200 studies that show the positive effect of writing on mental health. But…

The Emotional Side of Money

Money is basically a unit of measurement, but it covers a lot of ground. Strictly speaking, money measures the market value of goods, services, and investments. But for some, it can also function as a measure of our self-worth. It can reveal fears about not having enough, resentment for having less than you feel you…

Free Your Mind From Wanting People to Be a Certain Way

We want the world to be the way we want it. Unfortunately, reality always has different plans, and people behave in less than ideal ways.

Learning to Manage Our Fear

Pandemic fear has gripped the globe for an entire year and it continues to hold tight. Warnings of even more contagious and deadly disease variants are suspected to come in the near future, as the constant coverage of case numbers and death counts urge us to stay diligent or risk certain doom. The goal of…

How Optimism Helps You Achieve Goals With Less Stress

When you hear the word optimism, what comes to mind? Does it resonate as a tried-and-true life practice? Or perhaps it sounds too Pollyanna-ish for your taste. Essentially, optimism is hopefulness about the future—a general belief that things will work out in your favor. Whether you are a devoted practitioner or devout skeptic, you’ve likely…