Category: Steele dossier

Emails Reveal Media Collusion in Steele Dossier Efforts | Truth Over News

Recent court filings have further exposed the depth of collusion between the media and Clinton campaign operatives in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election. And they help to show how these operatives worked closely with the corporate media to promote the made-up Russia collusion narrative, a narrative that the Clinton campaign had itself concocted….

Durham Indictment of Danchenko Reveals Role of Clinton Advisor in Dossier Creation | Truth Over News

Igor Danchenko, the primary source for Christopher Steele’s dossier, has been indicted on a five-count charge of making false statements to the FBI. Danchenko is the third person to be arrested as part of Durham’s ongoing probe. Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith was convicted of doctoring a document and former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer, Michael…

Durham Indictment of Danchenko Reveals Role of Clinton Adviser in Dossier Creation | Truth Over News

Igor Danchenko, the primary source for Christopher Steele’s dossier, has been indicted on a five-count charge of making false statements to the FBI. Danchenko is the third person to be arrested as part of John Durham’s ongoing probe. Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith was convicted of doctoring a document, and former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer…

We Are Finally Uncovering the Center of the Scandal of the Steele Dossier

Commentary “Those who lack delicacy hold us in their power.” I have always liked that mot from the English essayist William Hazlitt. I’d wager Hillary Clinton and her minions, very much including the discredited spook Christopher Steele, like it too. For how long did “the Steele dossier,” that rancid pile of anti-Trump lies, rumors, fantasies,…

NTD Evening News Full Broadcast (Nov. 4)

A key figure behind the Steele dossier is arrested and indicted for lying to the FBI, new vaccine rules are released, and children ages 5 to 11 will soon need to show proof of vaccination before entering certain indoor establishments in San Francisco.

EpochTV Review: Liar, Liar

Commentary It doesn’t seem like it should be possible at this point for there to be anyone left who still thinks the Steele Dossier holds a shred of truth in its 35 pages, but apparently there are enough people that ABC News decided it was a good idea to have George Stephanopoulos interview Michael Steele…

Kash’s Corner: Timing of New Steele Documentary ‘Not a Coincidence’

“It’s not a coincidence … They want to use it to destroy the Sussman indictment and the cases that John Durham’s building.” On Oct. 18, ABC released a new documentary on the British ex-spy Christopher Steele. It’s his first interview since he authored the now-infamous “Steele dossier” that was used to justify surveilling the 2016…

The Reason for Steele’s ABC Interview | Truth Over News

After five long years, dossier author Christopher Steele has finally emerged for a public interview with ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos. Steele was portrayed as a “former intelligence officer”—as if he were an official representative of the British government. Steele, who left his desk job at MI6 in 2009, was actually a paid political operative of…

How Journalists Helped Promote the Steele Dossier | Truth Over News

One of the primary promoters of the Steele dossier recently came out with yet another Trump–Russia collusion story. This time, Luke Harding claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally ordered a secret operation to support a “mentally unstable” Donald Trump in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Harding has a long history of promoting baseless Russia…

Dossier Sources Disavow Dossier | Truth Over News

Although Christopher Steele has been out of the news of late, there has been significant legal activity involving individuals used as sources in his dossier. A long-running lawsuit filed against Glenn Simpson and his company Fusion GPS by the owners of Alfa-Bank has now reached a critical juncture. Lawyers for the owners of Alfa-Bank have…