Category: screentime

Link Found Between Addictive Gaming and Suicidality: Study

A Norwegian review and analysis funded by the Norwegian Competence Center for Gambling and Gaming Research found a significant link between problem gaming and suicidality, reflected in problem gaming’s association with suicide ideation and attempts. “Although gaming for most is a fun and recreational activity, a small minority is expected to experience problems related to…

Link Between Adolescent Screen Time, Aggression and Emotional Problems: Study

Canadian researchers have found “weak but significant” associations between screen time and behavioural problems such as aggression, as well as emotional and mood disturbances in children after analysing 87 studies published from 1960 to 2021. The team analysed 87 eligible studies from 595 articles, totalling over 159,000 participants aged 12 or younger and found that there…

Three Quarters of Children Younger Than Two Not Meeting Screen Time Guidelines, Experts

A study conducted by the University of Calgary in Canada into screentime of children globally found that around 75.3 percent of children aged under two and 64.4 percent of children aged two to five in these studies exceed guidelines for screentime in pre-pandemic periods. The current screentime guidelines globally are generally recommended to be no…

Japanese Study Shows ‘Significant Association’ Between Screen Time and Autism in Boys

Research conducted by the University of Yamanashi in Japan indicates a “significant association” between longer screentime for boys at one year of age and being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) when they are three years old. The research team, led by Megumi Kushima encouraged a review of the health effects of screen time on…