Category: Science & Tech videos

EpochTV Partnership Offers Education and Resources on Real Science from a Biblical Worldview

Today many are hearing the phrase “trust the science” more than ever before. In response to the current cultural narrative, EpochTV is leading the effort to provide resources and education on real science, not secular propaganda. As part of this initiative, EpochTV is proud to announce their partnership with Awesome Science Media (ASM), a company…

How a Small US Town Is Leading the Way in AI, Robotics, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Technology, AI, robotics. We don’t always see it, but these days we are always surrounded by it. In the wrong hands, robots can be hacked, manipulated, or even programmed to kill. And will robots replace our jobs, or will they create a new industry requiring new workers to learn new skills? We went to a…

NASA Releases Mars Landing Video: ‘Stuff of Our Dreams’

CAPE CANAVERAL—NASA on Monday released the first high-quality video of a spacecraft landing on Mars, a three-minute trailer showing the enormous orange and white parachute hurtling open and the red dust kicking up as rocket engines lowered the rover to the surface. The footage was so good—and the images so breathtaking—that members of the rover…