Category: satire

Twitter Launches ‘Zero Tolerance’ Policy on Threats of Violence With Exceptions for ‘Outrage’ and Satire

Twitter has rolled out a new policy aimed at tackling threats of violence on the platform, banning the incitement and glorification of violence or harm. The social media platform, headed by Elon Musk, announced the official launch of its “zero tolerance policy towards violent speech” on Feb. 28. “Twitter is a place where people can express…

South Park’s Royal Roast Provides Both Humor and Insight

Satire is at the heart of free speech and expression. A recent South Park episode lampoons Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for their recent worldwide privacy tour. After allegedly wanting to be left alone, the couple has written books, filmed a documentary, and moved to a hotbed of celebrities and paparazzi. The cartoon draws on…

BC Mountie Under Investigation for Running Trudeau Satire Website

A British Columbia RCMP officer may be facing disciplinary measures for running a website that contains satirical comments about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the policies of his Liberal government. The Church of Trudeau website, which appeared to be in operation last November and December, features a man who often appears in sunglasses and in a…

Film Review: ‘Dragon Eats Eagle’: Connecting COVID-19 and the 2020 Election With Biting Humor

PG-13 | 1h 26min | Comedy, Satire, Parody, Lampoon, Politics | 13 December 2022 (USA) Of the many branches of comedy, satire, parody, and lampoon are the only ones which require the audience to have a rudimentary understanding of the subject matter going in. Farce or slapstick, and situational, observational, dark or  blue humor, and even knock-knock jokes succeed or fail…

Satirical Website ‘The Onion’ Files Supreme Court Brief Supporting Man Arrested for Police Parody Account

American satirical publication The Onion on Monday filed an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in support of an Ohio man who is suing his local police department for violating his First Amendment rights by arresting him over a satirical Facebook page. Anthony Novak was arrested in 2016 after he launched a Facebook page that…

Dispatches From the Asylum: On Satire in the Age of Political Correctness

Commentary We have often had occasion to remark on the melancholy state of affairs that the advance of political correctness has precipitated for the practice of satire. Satire depends for its effect on a certain distance between reality and the joke. That distance describes the space in which both humor and moral recognition may congregate….