Category: russia nuclear threat

A Sudden and Ominous Nuclear Gap

Commentary With the original Cold War long faded in the rear-view mirror, there are terms of art that have been forgotten. Two key terms drove the dialogue on the American–Soviet nuclear standoff of the Cold War: “bomber gap” and “missile gap.” They were powerful terms that the average American citizen or average politician could understand….

Australia’s Defence Minister Warns of Nuclear Risk in Imposing No-Fly Zone Over Ukraine

Australian Defence Minister Peter Dutton has warned against the imposition of a no-fly zone over Ukraine, saying such a move would only help “if it didn’t lead to a nuclear conflict.” The comment follows Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s criticism of NATO for refusing to create a no-fly zone to stop Russia’s escalating attacks from the…

Australia Defence Minister Warns of Nuclear Danger in Imposing No Fly-Zone Over Ukraine

Australian Defence Minister Peter Dutton has warned against imposing a no fly-zone over Ukraine, saying such a move would only help “if it didn’t lead to a nuclear conflict.” It comes after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky criticised NATO for refusing to create a no-fly zone to stop Russia’s escalating attacks from the air, which he…

Low Energy Joe

Commentary “Energy,” quoth William Blake,  “is eternal delight.” Blake was right about that, and it is worth noting that the observation is true in more senses than one, as anyone who can pronounce the words “gas prices,” “fracking,” “inflation,” “Russia,” or “Ukraine” will understand. And the contrary is also true: A lack of energy is…