Category: revolution

Do High Grain Prices Provide the Seed of Revolutions?

Commentary A glance at history reveals a strong correlation between food prices and civil unrest. Roman poet Juvenal once wrote, “Two things only the people anxiously desire—bread and circuses”—that is, food and entertainment. Roman emperors understood the political importance of food, and would keep the people happy by giving them free grain handouts. But when…

Our French Revolution

Commentary We are in a Jacobin Revolution of the sort that in 1793–94 nearly destroyed France. And things are getting scary. The Democratic Party vanished sometime in 2020. It was absorbed by hard-left ideologues. They were bent on radically altering, or hijacking, existing institutions to force radical, equality-of-result agendas that otherwise do not earn majority…

LIVE NOW: Fighting for Education and Rejecting Indoctrination; The End of Election Corruption

In this double-barreled edition of Over the Target Live, education activist Corey A. DeAngelis talks about the revolution in school choice and how parents are winning nationwide. Then, author and Donald Trump lawyer Christina Bobb explains why, when it comes to your vote, Republicans are as corrupt as Democrats. Join Lee Smith and guests for…

Fighting for Education and Rejecting Indoctrination; The End of Election Corruption

In this double-barreled edition of Over the Target Live, education activist Corey A. DeAngelis talks about the revolution in school choice and how parents are winning nationwide. Then, author and Donald Trump lawyer Christina Bobb explains why, when it comes to your vote, Republicans are as corrupt as Democrats. Join Lee Smith and guests for…

LIVE at 11AM ET: Fighting for Education and Rejecting Indoctrination; The End of Election Corruption

In this double-barreled edition of Over the Target Live, education activist Corey A. DeAngelis talks about the revolution in school choice and how parents are winning nationwide. Then, author and Donald Trump lawyer Christina Bobb explains why, when it comes to your vote, Republicans are as corrupt as Democrats. Join Lee Smith and guests for…

The Blank Paper Revolution

Commentary On Nov. 24, in the Jixiang Garden district at the heart of the city of Urumqi in China’s Xinjiang region, the epidemic prevention and closure policy had been in place for over 100 days, leading to a deadly high-rise fire. Unable to escape or to be otherwise rescued, at least 10 people died, and…

Public Discontent Grows Over Shanghai’s Lockdown—Is It a Spark That Starts a Revolution?

Commentary There is some hope that protests over heavy-handed lockdowns might spark a revolution, but there is mixed evidence that Shanghai lockdown protests will be that spark. In Xi Jinping and his regime’s quest to show the world they can control COVID-19, they have locked down dozens of cities and almost 400 million people. But…

The ‘Great Reset’ Is a ‘Great Setback’

Commentary “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.” This confronting statement emanates from the World Economic Forum (WEF), an international non-governmental lobbying organisation established in 1971 by German engineer and economist Klaus Schwab. The forum is headquartered in Switzerland, and since its inception, it has sponsored projects that are enthusiastically embraced by those…

Cuban Americans Gather to Support Those Living in Communist Regime

Southern California residents took the streets of Los Angeles July 19, demanding freedom from Cuba’s communist regime. “It was heartwarming to see the support that we had,” Ana Landrian told The Epoch Times. “Some of the kids that were there have never been to Cuba, and yet they were out there with both the Cuban and…

The Spirit of Independence and the Future of the United States

“We are,” John Adams wrote to a friend early in June 1776, “in the very midst of a Revolution, the most compleat, unexpected, and remarkable of any in the History of Nations.” Adams was right, but it took prescience to discern it at that moment. In the aftermath of the costly British victory at Bunker…