Category: Real Talk with Wayne Dupree

Clueless Politicians

Those who are hesitant to vaccinate are no longer listening. Politicians, doctors, and the mainstream media have made the COVID fix unfixable. The entities I named above are no longer trustworthy—the CDC for its confusing messaging, the media for their bias, and the politicians for their power grab. Even those who are vaccinated feel they’ve…

Voter ID Ain’t Racist!

For years, Democrats have branded voter ID laws as “racist.” Many feel Democrats are afraid of voter ID laws because they will greatly reduce voter fraud. The United States is one of the only countries in the world that doesn’t require proof of identity and citizenship to vote. Anyone who believes there is no voter…

[Premiering at 5PM today] Jan 6 Commission DOA

First off, this was not an insurrection. This is a word dragged out by Nancy, the Dems, and the media, to make this sound as the worst thing possible. It was terrible. Should not have happened. There should have been more police/guards around (stopped by Nancy to insure a problem?). What this was, a bunch…

[Premiering at 5PM today] Jan. 6 Commission “Dead on Arrival”

The incident on Jan. 6 was not an insurrection—a word dragged out by Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats, and the media to make this sound like the worst thing possible. It was terrible and should not have happened. There should have been more police and guards around. I, as a Republican and Trump supporter, as do…

Jan. 6 Commission “Dead on Arrival”

The incident on Jan. 6 was not an insurrection—a word dragged out by Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats, and the media to make this sound like the worst thing possible. It was terrible and should not have happened. There should have been more police and guards around. I, as a Republican and Trump supporter, as do…

Obama’s DACA Nixed

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program issue cannot be solved by executive order. Both Republicans and Democrats have avoided a comprehensive overhaul of our immigration policies and processes, but that is the only way this is going to get fixed. Former President Donald Trump offered to resolve DACA if the Democrats agreed to…

This Wave of Violence Has Been Strategic

What we seem to continue to overlook, in my opinion, is that this wave of violence is strategic. Its origins can be traced back to the Obama administration who sent the message, loud and clear, to the millions of leftist Democrat communists that comprise the Democrat Party: “attack.” And it has been open season on…

You’re Knocking on My Door for What? | Real Talk

When I read the news about the Biden administration pushing a door-to-door COVID vaccination team, I didn’t think much of it. It was more humorous than serious. It was yet another gaffe, I thought. After watching Health and Human Services Chairman Xavier Beccera on CNN last week claim it was the government’s right to know…

Are Our Leaders Creating Chaos and Confusion? | Real Talk

A Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey found that 61 percent of Likely U.S. Voters still believe most politicians these days are more interested in campaigning on what divides us rather than on what brings us together. Just 21 percent say most are more interested in bringing us together. That compares to 78 percent and…

[Premiering 6PM ET] Racism Is Not Systemic in America | Real Talk

The greatest crisis of our time is the continued effort to divide the country by putting a name on everything and pitting one group against another. A country divided cannot stand. Democrats have labeled America as having “systemic racism” to slow black Americans from achieving their success. I call hogwash. Remember these words of Booker…