Category: reader’s turn

Western Culture at a Crisis Point

[Western culture] has survived and grown through the Dark Ages, serfdom, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, and the Industrial Revolution, and now is morphing through the Information/Technology Age. What’s ahead? America is broken and full of holes. God has been removed from our culture, which has left a hole. Cancel culture is rewriting history…

China’s Newest Interference in Families: The ‘3 Child’ Policy

The various articles in The Epoch Times about China’s new policy to allow three children beg some excellent questions. With all the “green” talk by the left, you would think that they would be opposing policies that would encourage, not discourage, population growth. And that it would be first on their agenda if indeed “climate…

Letter From a Fan

I love to read your comics and I like the kids part. My name is Cameron and I am 12. I’m in 6th grade and I play baseball. I have a big family. I have six brothers and three sisters. I like the great outdoors. I find your articles interesting and I learn a lot…

Our American Flag

After reading a letter from Walter Sosnosky of Kenilworth [in last week’s “The Readers’ Turn”] regarding the failure of our citizens to fly American flags, I couldn’t resist commenting on his article. It has been one of my pet peeves for years that so few citizens choose to fly the flag at least on every…


The default condition of human beings from the beginning of time until 1787 was complete fealty to a greater authority. In various orders, there were kings, pharaohs, chiefs, warlords, princes, solons, emperors, senators, popes, sultans, viziers, and mullahs. Then, as mentioned, 1787 came along, and a government of the people, by the people, and for…

Is Critical Race Theory a Religion?

Critical race theory appears to be a religious-like activity that pits Black Victims against White Oppressors. It is an activity that has dogmatic positions, and dissent is not allowed. CRT also seems to largely benefit self-serving individuals seeking monetary reward and/or personal control. This simplistic approach is both illogical and divisive. There are too many…

The Rest of the Story

In the June 9–15 edition of The Epoch Times, Jeff Minick wrote an article about Flag Day [“Break Out the Red, White, and Blue: June 14th Is Right Around the Corner”], but I believe that he did not tell the whole story. Like my mentor, Paul Harvey used to say, “This is the rest of…

Your Child’s Best Teacher Is You

Segregation is alive and well and rearing its ugly head in the public schools of America. As I write this, my district is conducting interviews—not for a new teacher to help instruct our children, not inspections of new curriculum to help support students (we have not had an English curriculum adoption in my 24 years…

This Is Where Our Government Wants to Take US

If you have ever read any dystopian literature, then you have some idea where our government wants to take us. In a dystopian society, there is usually a group of privileged elites or a powerful global corporation in charge who controls every aspect of its citizens’ lives. Under this type of government, people no longer…

Praying for Our Defense Contractors

My heart is heavy for America, as I watch the Marxist communist ideology attempt to infiltrate nearly every aspect of our lives. From our military to our schools, to our TV shows and movies, we are under a constant barrage begging us to listen to lies. Lies about the founding of this great country, our…