Category: reader

Climate Change Claim That CO2 Is a Pollutant but Masked Children Breathing in CO2 Is OK?

Here in Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Wolf (a Democrat) has mandated masks for children in school or daycare. Surely, this isn’t science! We have been told ad nauseam that CO2 is a pollutant that is causing “climate change.” Governor Wolf is forcing children to breathe in a pollutant (CO2) for seven hours a day. Is this…


Years ago, I watched a Senate hearing called by Sen. Dan Burton, whose 3-year-old granddaughter was suffering with autism. Sen. Burton was of the valid opinion that the reason so many children were diagnosed with autism was that they were damaged by the vaccination program at the time.   There was equal representation testifying on…

Taxing Unrealized Capital Gains

I’ve been thinking about the proposal to tax unrealized capital gains. Let’s get this straight. My grandma gave me $25 in silver dollars 60 years ago. Grandpa gave me $25 cash. I’ve kept both gifts. Back then, either gift would have bought about 100 gallons of gasoline. Today, those silver dollars are worth about $60,…

Article on Arizona Audit

Thank you for the article on the election audit [“Arizona Senate Hears of Multiple Inconsistencies Found by Election Audit” by Jack Phillips and Mimi Nguyen Ly, published Sept. 29]. I have several responses to their presentation of a very complex situation. First, 23,344, 5,295, 29,557, 27,869, 5,047, 3,432, and 2,592 soon add up to the…

Social Security Column

Tom Margenau, who writes the feature on Social Security, is clearly a true believer in that program. His column titled “Social Security Will Not Go Broke” [published online on Sept. 24] is a case in point. Without realizing it, he has included examples of every single aspect of the definition of a Ponzi scheme. The…

When Will Biden Be Held Accountable?

President Biden called the images of the U.S. Border Patrol agents on horseback aggressively handling Haitian migrants “horrible,” vowing that there will be consequences for those involved. The president went on to say those people will pay. The president needs to look no further than his own mirror to see who is to blame. It…

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

California now allows any incarcerated man who claims to identify as other than male to serve his time in a women’s prison. What male would not jump at this chance? As a result, incarcerated women are being raped and all are in terror that they will be next. California is downplaying this problem. Can we…

Power in DC

Lee Smith is right that we are living in a failing regime  [“What Afghanistan Teaches Us About Our Ruling Class,” published on Sept. 15]. The elites’ response is to save themselves by making America the design capital of the world in areas like geopolitics, finance, technology, entertainment, and news. This maintains power in Washington, Wall…

Weather and Climate Change

I am an 81-year, 11-month-old man, and when in high school in 1953, I was what would be called a “Nerd” today. My 9th-grade physics teacher was Mr. Elmer Ditch, a teacher who greatly affected my life. The most important thing Mr. Ditch taught me was, “It is not important to know everything. It is…

COVID-19 Vaccine

I’d like to thank The Epoch Times for trying to provide balanced coverage. I especially appreciate the COVID coverage. As a physician, I’d like to offer a pro-vaccine letter. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation coming out from the government and academic medicine. We all need to think for ourselves and make decisions for…