Category: psychotherapy

Motherhood Is About Loving Your Imperfect Self—And Giving That Love to Others

It was after her second MMR vaccine, that life of Helena Hjalmarsson’s then three year old daughter had changed. “She had her first of many seizures,” Hjalmarsson spoke on Frontline Health. “She had lost control of her jaw muscle and drooled for two and a half weeks. She got confused, she lost all of her…

Depression: 4 Major Symptoms, Treatment, and Natural Therapies (Infographics)

People with depression are sometimes described as “overthinking,” “sentimental,” or having “low stress tolerance.” Even in the modern age when knowledge about depression has become increasingly common, there are still some prejudices or stereotypes about depression. On the other hand, when someone says, “I’ve been feeling down lately,” “I’m not interested in anything,” “I feel…

PREMIERING NOW: Stephanie Winn: The ‘Trans Industry’ Is Creating a Sterilized Generation and Medical Patients for Life

“We’re sterilizing a generation who will not be able to have their own kids. And we’re altering their sexual functioning in a way that’s going to make it more difficult for them to have loving relationships.” Stephanie Winn is a licensed marriage and family therapist who is currently treating detransitioners and parents with gender-questioning youth….

Stephanie Winn: The ‘Trans Industry’ Is Creating a Sterilized Generation and Medical Patients for Life

“We’re sterilizing a generation who will not be able to have their own kids. And we’re altering their sexual functioning in a way that’s going to make it more difficult for them to have loving relationships.” Stephanie Winn is a licensed marriage and family therapist who is currently treating detransitioners and parents with gender-questioning youth….

PREMIERING 7:30PM ET: Stephanie Winn: The ‘Trans Industry’ Is Creating a Sterilized Generation and Medical Patients for Life

“We’re sterilizing a generation who will not be able to have their own kids. And we’re altering their sexual functioning in a way that’s going to make it more difficult for them to have loving relationships.” Stephanie Winn is a licensed marriage and family therapist who is currently treating detransitioners and parents with gender-questioning youth….

PREMIERING 2/23 at 7:30PM ET: Stephanie Winn: The ‘Trans Industry’ Is Creating a Sterilized Generation and Medical Patients for Life

“We’re sterilizing a generation who will not be able to have their own kids. And we’re altering their sexual functioning in a way that’s going to make it more difficult for them to have loving relationships.” Stephanie Winn is a licensed marriage and family therapist who is currently treating detransitioners and parents with gender-questioning youth….