Category: psychology

Taking a Mental Health Day Can Be Good for You

When you’re feeling sick, you know it’s probably best to take the day off from work in order to recover and feel better. But while we may know how important it is to take care of our mental health, many of us may still hesitate to take time off work in order to do this….

What Is the Role of Internet and Violent Video Games in a Generation of Aggressive and Violent Youths

On July 4th, 2022, a man in Illinois took to the rooftop and fired rounds of bullets on the Independence Day parade participants, killing 5 people with 2 more dying later from their wounds and injuring even more. The man, soon identified by the police, is Robert Crimo III, aged 21. Robert Crimo III poses…

Sports Plays a Crucial Role in Men’s Mental Health

There’s no doubt that sports play a crucial role in men’s mental health. From keeping men active and healthy to providing an outlet for stress and tension, sports can positively affect overall well-being. In fact, many professional athletes attribute their success to the importance of maintaining a healthy mind and body. If you want to…

Is Electroconvulsive Therapy Getting a New Image?

There are few psychiatric therapies that are as controversial as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) which sends pulses of electric currents through the brain to intentionally cause a seizure. Few people would expect it to make a comeback. Intended to treat severe and treatment-resistant depression, severe mania, catatonia, and dementia-associated agitation and aggression, ECT is usually conducted two to…

Scientists Find Anxiety Drugs Could Worsen Cognitive Abilities

Long-term use of anxiety drugs may put undue pressure on the brain and lead to an increase in risk for cognitive decline, memory loss, and dementia, according to an international study that sheds light on the mechanisms by which the drugs affect the brain. Using a genetic model developed in their laboratory, the health researchers…

Decluttering Mistakes to Avoid

As I stood in my kitchen, my view spanned across the countertops, into the living room, and through the adjacent playroom. I saw piles of unopened mail, dozens of small toys scattered by my toddler, last night’s clean dishes left to dry next to the sink, and a large stack of clothes that beckoned to…

Can Gardening Make You Happier?

Years ago when we had a big yard, thumbing through gardening catalogs was one way I got through the long Minnesota winters. I dreamed about what I’d plant when the weather warmed up and the ground thawed. I’d look at unusual plants, early bloomers, late bloomers, heirloom tomatoes, and whatever else caught my attention in…

Psychologists Have Traditionally Focused on the Past – What If That’s All Wrong?

For over a century, psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Rogers focused people’s attention on the past. And so when Mary struggles to maintain romantic relationships, she blames her past boyfriends for it. When Chris battles with addiction, he digs into his memories from childhood when he first felt humiliated. And when Saoirse doesn’t…

Our Essential Need for Novelty

Have you ever wondered why “out of the ordinary” days stick with you the most? Maybe it was the day you met a lifelong friend, the moment you set your eyes on a beautiful landscape in a new country, or the birth of a child. When we enjoy novel experiences such as these, research shows…

A Life Coach’s Personal Playbook

Ignore your oppressive to-do list, life coach Kristen Glosserman says. Replace it with a shorter, more powerful and encouraging “do list” each day. Make one of the items on it your “commit”: If you accomplish nothing else, at the end of the day you’ll have completed this commitment. Make it something you’ve been avoiding, and…