Category: Problem Solvers Caucus

Bipartisan Caucus Proposes Plan to Avoid Default If Biden, McCarthy Fail to Reach Debt-Ceiling Deal

The Problem Solvers Caucus proposed a one-page, four-step framework that would solve the debt-ceiling issue if the White House and congressional leaders fail to come up with a deal. The 63-member bipartisan congressional coalition (31 Republicans and 32 Democrats) endorsed suspending the debt limit until December 31, 2023, “to remove immediate pressure of defaulting on…

Bipartisan Group Backs Title 42 Extension, DHS Estimates up to 18,000 Illegals to Cross Border If Order Removed

The Problem Solvers Caucus, an independent member-driven group in Congress composed of 58 Republican and Democrat representatives from across the nation, has announced support for legislation aimed at extending the Title 42 protections officially due to end on May 23. “Today, the Problem Solvers Caucus endorsed the bipartisan Public Health and Border Security Act of…

Bipartisan Congressional Group Backs Legislation That Would Force Biden to Extend Emergency Border Powers

The Problem Solvers Caucus, an independent member-driven group in Congress composed of 58 Republican and Democrat representatives from across the nation, has announced support for legislation aimed at extending the Title 42 protections officially due to end on May 23. “Today, the Problem Solvers Caucus endorsed the bipartisan Public Health and Border Security Act of…

House Democrats Urge Pelosi to Move Quickly on Senate-Passed Infrastructure Bill

A group of moderate House Democrats on Tuesday urged Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to bring the bipartisan infrastructure bill, just passed in the Senate, up for a standalone vote and to provide more details on how the upcoming budget reconciliation package will affect inflation and the national debt, which is over $28 trillion. “After years of waiting, the…

Co-chairs of the Bipartisan Problem Solver Caucus Urge the President to Sign CCP Virus Relief Bill

The House of Representatives Problem Solver Caucus’s co-chairs, Reps. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) and Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) are urging President Donald Trump to sign the CCP virus relief bill, stressing the huge effort and negotiation that went into getting the two parties to agree to the provisions in the bill. “We worked for months, as you…