Category: poll

California Purchasing Managers Expect Manufacturing Sector to Boom in Third Quarter

Commentary Manufacturing executives in California are more excited about their growth prospects than they’ve been in nearly 20 years. That’s the takeaway from a recent Chapman University polling of purchasing managers at manufacturing companies. Professors at the university’s A. Gary Anderson Center for Economic Research surveyed buyers from throughout the Golden State about their expectations…

Most Americans Want No Government Action on Delta Variant of CCP Virus: Poll

A new Trafalgar poll shows that most Americans want no government action on the Delta variant of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, a highly infectious mutation that some health officials predict will soon become the dominant strain in the United States. The poll, released on Monday and based on a representative sample of 1101 likely…

Canadians Struggle With Rising Cost of Living as Inflation Rate Hits Highest Level in Decade: Poll

While the end of the COVID-19 pandemic is within sight, a new study reports that Canadians are already struggling with a side-effect from the crisis—rising prices. Published Thursday, the survey by Angus Reid Institute (ARI) found that Canadians are already feeling the heat dealing with the rising cost of living in their daily lives, and…

Just 6% of Small Businesses Have Fully Recovered Pandemic Losses, Poll Shows

Just 6% of small businesses that were negatively impacted by the coronavirus pandemic have fully recovered their losses, a Job Creators Network survey showed. The vast majority of U.S. small business owners continue to “claw their way out” of the hole caused by the coronavirus pandemic, according to the poll commissioned by small business advocacy…

Americans Poorly Informed on Deficit, Police Shootings, Health Insurance Coverage, Poll Shows

Americans had trouble picking the right answer on several politically salient topics, a poll of likely voters has shown. Supporters of President Joe Biden were wrong more often compared to those who disapproved of the president, though on no question did a majority of respondents answer correctly. Less than one in five of those approving…

O’Toole Has a Real Chance in Election if He Can Get the Support of Women

Commentary Justin Trudeau has proved himself incompetent in a crisis and lurches from scandal to scandal. And yet his poll numbers point to a 93 percent likelihood of a majority (50 percent) or minority (43 percent) Liberal government in the next election. How to explain it? My Liberal-voting friends—including those who are presently alienated from…

Democrat Polling Firms Admit ‘Major Errors’ in 2020 Election Polls

A group of top Democratic Party pollsters released a public statement Tuesday acknowledging “major errors” in their 2020 polling, while venturing several theories they believe may account for the blunders. “In 2020, our industry saw major errors and failed to live up to our own expectations,” said the statement by ALG Research, Garin-Hart-Yang Research Group, GBAO…

Americans’ Concern About Catching CCP Virus Drops to Record Low

The number of Americans who worry about becoming infected with the CCP virus dropped to the lowest on record in March, according to Gallup. Only 35 percent of the people surveyed from March 15 to 21 said they were worried about catching COVID-19, the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, commonly known…

63 Percent of Americans Want Government to Buy US-made Goods, Even at Higher Cost: Poll

A recent poll found that 63 percent of Americans want the government to buy goods made in the United States—even at a significantly higher cost. The Reuters-Ipsos poll, which was released on Tuesday, also showed that, while 69 percent of U.S. respondents believe a product being made in America is at least somewhat important, 37…

Most Republicans, Democrats Want Schools to Reopen: Poll

Republicans overwhelmingly want schools to reopen, and most Democrats and independents do as well, according to a recently released poll. Some 94 percent of Republican respondents to a Gallup survey said they support providing in-person schooling to K-12 students. They were joined by 80 percent of independents and 62 percent of Democrats. Parents who are…