Category: Personal Finances

14 Ways to Revamp Your Personal Finances Even When Money is Tight

Many of the opportunities available to you are dictated by your financial situation, making it difficult to overstate the importance of taking care of your personal finances. When it comes to managing money, most of us have room for improvement. Understanding your current financial situation, setting goals, and making a plan are all important steps…

Sticky Situations: Bankrupt Mortgage Lender and a $10,000 Engagement Ring

Dear Mary: I just read that that the company that holds my home mortgage is under investigation by the feds and has a net worth of negative $63 million. This company holds title to my house. If it goes into bankruptcy, am I at risk of losing my home, even though I’ve never been late…

Fall Cleaning Your Personal Finances

Fall is upon us. Halloween is just weeks away. While personal finances may not be top of mind, there is no better time than the fall to clean up your personal finances. Fall cleaning can be a fun, light option to keep your finances running smoothly and ensure you are on track for your goals. You wouldn’t drive…