Category: Opinion

Meeting the China Challenge: We Must Be Bolder

Commentary I finished writing “China Coup: The Great Leap to Freedom” in December 2019, except for a COVID-19 chapter, added later. What major changes would I make if I were writing the book now? In the book, I recalled a warning given by President Richard Nixon in 1967, “the world cannot be safe until China…

Cory Morgan: Trudeau–Smith Calgary Stampede Meeting Significant as Neither Side Indicates Any Willingness to Compromise

Commentary Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made his usual appearance at this year’s Calgary Stampede, an event that draws over one million visitors to the rodeo and midway every year. Although he often gets a chilly reception at the 10-day festival which draws politicians of all stripes out of  the woodwork, Trudeau usually makes an appearance…

Wokeness and ESG: Not So Good for Prosperity

Commentary Back in March, people shopping at Target began noticing a new line of clothing on full display on mannequins at the front of the store—LGBT clothes, clothes from a Satanic brand, and merchandise with Satanic messaging. These included clothes for small children and onesies for babies. Also included were “tuck-friendly” clothing for males who…

A Must-Read for Irvine Ranch History Aficionados

Growing up in Orange County, I can still remember the trip in my high school years with my father to see the new University of California in Irvine. I saw barren rolling hills with newly built structures and minimal vegetation or trees. Decades later, as a State Senator representing the 37th District, which includes UCI,…

The End Is Near: California’s Last Eviction Moratorium Will Expire on July 31

Commentary For the last three years, countless ears have been deaf to the cries of injustice from property owners and landlords throughout California. They cry injustice over a well-intended eviction moratorium. A moratorium that has left behind a troubling void of millions in unpaid rents, the collateral damage of foreclosures, bankruptcies, and displaced landlords and…

Refocusing America’s Attention

Commentary America is struggling. While this country and its people have faced their share of difficulties—including the Great Depression, several wars, terrorist attacks, and countless devastating natural disasters—we seem to be losing a key attribute of our national identity: our confidence in our ability to solve problems and achieve what was once considered “impossible.” That…

Electric Cars Are a Scam

Commentary The left likes to treat skeptics of electrical cars as if they were Luddites. Truth is, making an existing product less efficient but more expensive doesn’t really meet the definition of innovation. Even the purported amenities and technological advances EV makers like to brag about in their ads have been a regular feature of…

10 Reasons Why Affirmative Action Died

Commentary The end of affirmative action was inevitable. The only surprise was that such intentions gone terribly wrong lasted so long. First, supporters of racial preferences always pushed back the goal posts for the program’s success. Was institutionalized reverse bias to last 20 years, 60 years, or ad infinitum? Parity became defined as an absolute…

The Fact-Check Racket Finally Unravels

Commentary Before the COVID lockdowns, social media companies had started contracting with new third-parties organizations called fact-checkers to assist in “content creation.” Getting a pass meant the post or story was amplified but getting dinged for inaccuracy meant that the post would be throttled or deleted. For a while we believed it but certain revelations…

Sylvain Charlebois: What Does the Latest Interest Rate Hike Mean for Your Wallet?

Commentary The Bank of Canada has once again increased its benchmark interest rate, this time by .25 basis points to five percent, amid growing apprehension from a number of financial experts regarding its potential impact on consumers. And their concerns are not unfounded. Let us examine the evidence. Undoubtedly, food and housing constitute the fundamental…