Category: Opinion

Shame on the Australian Government for Playing Political Games With Donald Trump Jr.’s Visa

Commentary The Albanese Government’s decision to play politics with Donald Trump Jr.’s visa is not just a vicious attack on free speech. It’s a diplomatic faux pas of the highest order. Perhaps obviously, there is no conceivable excuse for why Home Affairs Minister Claire O’Neil did not expeditiously process Mr. Trump’s application. Standard practise mandates…

John Robson: Ottawa’s Neglect of RCMP and Armed Forces a Case of Bad Policy Driving Out Good

Commentary Once upon a time bell-bottoms, mullets, and “Gestalt” theory were trendy. Until someone realized two fashion blunders didn’t cancel out and people had always seen patterns. Like this one where the RCMP is desperately understaffed. As the National Post reported, “The force provides police to provinces across the country, but it is missing [recruiting]…

New ‘Misinformation’ Law Gets the Balance of Power All Wrong

Commentary In June, the Albanese Labor government released an exposure draft of a dystopian proposed legislation that will empower a government body, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), to police online “misinformation” and “disinformation.” The “Mis/Dis Bill” is accompanied by a guidance note with little transparency and an invitation to make a submission by…

China’s Failed Economic Strategies

Commentary China’s economy is unraveling because its economic strategies are failing. Such is the way with communists. Beijing’s primary economic strategy is to revive international trade and investment ties with the West, especially Europe. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sees Brussels as more compliant than Washington, which is true though even the European Commission last…

Abuse of Constitution: Trump’s Indictments Signal Dangerous Political Trend

Commentary What we are witnessing in this roll-out of very questionable and even spurious indictments of former President Trump is a systematic abuse of the Constitution to which both parties have become addicted. In the first 190 years of its history, the only impeachment of a president of the United States was of Andrew Johnson…

Germany Challenges China

Commentary Berlin has revised its approach to Beijing, replacing its once accommodating and sympathetic posture with something more wary and hostile. Washington, no doubt, will claim that Germany has followed America’s lead in making a similar change. But given Berlin’s comprehensive approach, the product of considerable compromise, the Germans seem to have taken the lead, much…

Barbara Kay: The Bullying of Late Toronto Principal a Feature of DEI Training, Not a Bug

Commentary The untimely death by suicide of school principal Richard Bilkszto, 60 years of age, came as a shock even to observers closely engaged with his workplace difficulties and their multi-faceted fallout over the last two years. Once retired in 2019, Bilkszto did freelance work for the Toronto District School Board. In April 2021, TDSB…

Will the Yuan Replace the Dollar?

Commentary With the International Monetary Fund (IMF) now allowing countries to pay dollar-denominated debt in the Chinese yuan, what does that mean for the U.S. dollar? It’s no secret that both the Chinese and the Russians and many other countries want to downgrade the dollar’s influence and even de-dollarize global trade. That’s certainly happening, and…

The Essence of Today’s Leftism

Commentary When I was a kid in the 1950s, I thought I knew what the left was—and I did, up to a point. The Communist Manifesto appealed to my 14-year-old self because, in a way, it’s written on that level. When you think about it, it’s pretty simplistic, especially about human psychology. Nevertheless, in those…

Seller Inflation Is a Myth Created by Statism

Commentary Interventionists always blame inflation on everything and anything except the only thing that makes aggregate prices rise: issuing more units of currency than the real demand. Seller inflation is the same excuse and fallacy as cost-push inflation. A way to confuse citizens and assign causation to something that cannot make aggregate prices rise. Let…