Category: nutritionfacts

Fasting for Autoimmune Diseases

The strongest evidence of the benefits of fasting surrounds the treatment of an autoimmune joint disease known as rheumatoid arthritis, as I detailed in my last video. There was a German study suggesting benefits for osteoarthritis as well, with reported improvements in pain and joint function. But we’d really need randomized controlled studies to know…

Pesticides (DDT) and Alzheimer’s Disease

Although there is a growing list of Alzheimer’s disease susceptibility genes, even if you put them all altogether, they account for less than half of all Alzheimer’s cases. The single most compelling piece of data on the potential control we have over the disease is the fact that if you have identical twins, with the…

Fighting the 10 Hallmarks of Cancer with Food

“The vast majority of cancer research is devoted to finding cures, rather than finding new ways to prevent disease.” And the results of these skewed priorities are plain to see: 2021 is the 50th anniversary of Nixon’s declaration of war on cancer, and the death tolls from the most common forms of cancer in the…

How Much Cancer Does Processed Meat Cause?

In 2018, arguably the most prestigious cancer research institution in the world, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), within the World Health Organization, published their report on processed meat, concluding that foods like bacon, ham, hot dogs, lunch meat, and sausage are cancer causing, classifying processed meat as a Group 1 carcinogen. “These…

Processed Meat Like Bacon Causes Cancer: International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has published a report classifying processed meat like bacon, hot dogs, lunch meat as a Group 1 carcinogen. How has that revelation been received by governments and industry? And just how much cancer does processed meat cause? I’ll answer those questions in this two-part series. “It is [perhaps]…