Category: nickel mining

Chinese Companies Seize Indonesian Nickel Resources Amid New Energy Battery Opportunities

The recent big investments Chinese companies are making in Indonesian nickel mines are attracting renewed attention. China’s CNGR Advanced Materials Co Ltd. announced on May 19 that it will expand its nickel matte business in Indonesia, partnering with Singapore’s RIGQUEZA International Co., LTD. A total investment of $1.26 billion will be put in a production…

World’s Largest Nickel Producer Faces Billions in Losses; China Releases National Reserves to Rescue

The world’s biggest nickel and stainless steel producer, Tsingshan Holding Group, suffered a fiasco in a global capital sniping on the London Metal Exchange (LME) on March 7, with its 200,000-ton nickel forward contracts caught in a delivery default and facing potential losses of billions on its short positions. However, a dramatic reversal occurred, attributed…