Category: Nick Goiran

Australia Politics: A Conservative-Free Zone?

Commentary Pollster Graham Young recently predicted that the last centre-right Liberal government on the mainland looks set to fall in the upcoming New South Wales election. If his prediction comes true, all states and territories on the mainland will have centre-left Labor governments. It is sometimes argued, in the right-of-centre press, that this development is…

Australian Politics: A Conservative-Free Zone?

Commentary Pollster Graham Young recently predicted that the last centre-right Liberal government on the mainland looks set to fall in the upcoming New South Wales election. If his prediction comes true, all states and territories on the mainland will have centre-left Labor governments. It is sometimes argued, in the right-of-centre press, that this development is…

A ‘Lightning Rod’ for Vilification: Australian MP’s Experience Opposing Euthanasia

West Australian Upper House MP Nick Goiran has said that repeated personal attacks and media vilification against opponents of proposed euthanasia laws served as the cornerstone of the campaign that ultimately won public support for the controversial legislation. Amid acrimonious debate over the issue, Western Australia’s largest newspaper ran the following front-page headline: “RIP Democracy…