Category: Nazis

Support Freedom of the Press, Choose Epoch TV

The United States of America was founded on the idea that every person has a set of inalienable, God-given rights that must be protected at all costs. Among them are the freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, and the freedom of the press. The First Amendment of the American Constitution guarantees freedom of…

What the Nazis Had in Common With Every Other Collectivist Regime in the 20th Century

July 29 marks an infamous centennial. One hundred years ago—on July 29, 1921—Adolf Hitler assumed the leadership of the National Socialist German Workers Party, better known as the Nazis. It became his vehicle to power. Note the formal, official name of the party. It was not the National Capitalist German Workers Party. It was not…

Supreme Court: Descendants May Not Sue in US for Property Seized by Nazis

The heirs of art dealers whose property was taken in Nazi-era Germany cannot pursue lawsuits seeking compensation from the government of that country in the courts of the United States, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously Feb. 3. The ruling was a victory for the Trump administration, now out of power, which had opposed that legal stance,…