Category: National Association of Scholars

Anti-Woke ‘American Birthright’ Project Seeks to Restore Patriotism to State Education

A national civics organization laid out a new set of academic standards this week for K-12 social studies classes aimed at improving education throughout the country and combating the rampant anti-American bias it says has taken hold in social studies instruction. This new document (pdf), “American Birthright: The Civics Alliance’s Model K-12 Social Studies Standards,”…

Capitol Report (June 21): Twitter Board Gives Nod to Musk Twitter Takeover; CCP Rebrands Confucius Institutes

Voters are headed to the polls in key primary races. We’ll tell you which races have the potential to impact the balance of power in Washington. Tyler Alcorn is a four-tour, Special Forces combat veteran, and he is running for office in the state of Colorado. We ask him why he feels the need to…

Woke Pharmacists Add Diversity, Antiracism to Professional Oath

Pharmacists across the United States will soon have to embrace the left’s political and cultural agenda as a result of radical new ideologically-motivated revisions to the wording of their professional oath. Although Marxist-inspired critical race theory in public education has been meeting unprecedented resistance across the country in families with children in government-run schools, “woke”…

New Project Presses for Pro-American Educational Reforms

A new project called The Civics Alliance aspires to unite Americans in the effort to promote authentic civics education that teaches the U.S. founding principles and documents, key events of American history, the structure of our self-governing federal republic, and the spirit of liberty and tolerance. The National Association of Scholars-sponsored project comes after President…