Category: Mindset

When the Fantasy Dies

How dare you?! That’s so unlike you! I can’t believe you would do/think/act like that! I’m so disappointed… Have you had one of these interactions (or internal experiences) lately? Our relationships — to each other, to systems, to groups, and even to ideas, are coming up for review. We are seeing the true colors, and…

The Health Benefits of Bringing Nature Indoors

Think back to the last time you felt rejuvenated. Chances are you weren’t lounging on your couch or at a desk. You likely weren’t inside at all. For many people, it’s the great expanse of nature that calls us back to ourselves. Stormy skylines, mountain tops seen from afar, the feel of the wind in…

Accepting Reality Is Not Giving Up

“It is what it is” was a favorite expression of a woman I once knew. If it was pouring rain the day she’d planned on weeding her flower beds, that phrase would be the first on her lips. If a friend canceled dinner plans because of an unexpected obligation, “It is what it is” popped…

Depression Is Probably Not Caused by a Chemical Imbalance in the Brain: New Study

For three decades, people have been deluged with information suggesting that depression is caused by a “chemical imbalance” in the brain – namely an imbalance of a brain chemical called serotonin. However, our latest research review shows that the evidence does not support it. Although first proposed in the 1960s, the serotonin theory of depression started to be…

How to Have a Powerfully Effective Day

Many people I talk to are unhappy with their ability to get stuff done in their lives. They feel they’re wasting a lot of time, never really getting anything important done. What I like to play with is the idea of having a “powerfully effective day.” It’s a big topic, probably worthy of a whole…

Psychologists Have Traditionally Focused on the Past but What If That’s All Wrong?

For more than a century, psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Rogers focused people’s attention on the past. And so when Mary struggles to maintain romantic relationships, she blames her past boyfriends for it. When Chris battles with addiction, he digs into his memories from childhood when he first felt humiliated. And when Saoirse doesn’t want to settle…

The Healthiest Foods for Summer, According to Chinese Medicine

A solar term is a period of approximately two weeks based on the sun’s position in the zodiac. There are 24 solar terms in a year, which make up the traditional Chinese calendar system used to guide farming and everyday life. The calendar contributes to the ancient Chinese philosophy that living in accordance with nature…

How to Tackle a Mountain of Tasks

I recently came back to my work after taking a full month off—I am a firm believer in taking time off and finding time for rest and replenishment. After a month off, it turns out I have a pile of tasks, emails, and messages to go through. It’s daunting. It can be discouraging to face…

Live With an Inner Scorecard and Become the Best Version of Yourself

Would you rather live a life where everyone around you saw you as far more successful and generous than you really were or a life where your many accomplishments and good deeds were credited to others? What if those closest to you knew the real you? If you would choose the path of higher achievement…

Pick Yourself Up and Move Forward

At a recent commencement address to Catholic homeschoolers, the president of Benedictine College offered graduates a piece of advice taken from one of his school’s slogans. “Forward,” Stephen Minnis enjoined. “Always forward, everywhere forward.” When you’re faced with adversity, he told the students, don’t spend your time looking back. Move forward. His remarks inspired some…