I recently asked a friend what she had been up to and she answered, “Not much. I’ve just been playing with my kids.” I asked her to restate her answer without “Not much” and without the word “just.” With a quizzical look, she obliged. I then asked her, “Didn’t that feel better?” She agreed that…
Why We Shouldn’t Multitask
How many of us were raised singing the praises of multitasking? That shining beacon of productivity we are all supposed to aspire to? But the ugly truth is that multitasking is not only bad for our brains, it turns out that we are simply not designed for it. Most of us spend a large part…
Five Reasons Why Intellectual Humility Is Good for You
Do you ever find yourself mulling over your beliefs and opinions, thinking about why and how you came to hold a certain conviction, perhaps even questioning whether you might be wrong? Or maybe you can remember a time when you’ve learned some new information—in a conversation, in a book, or on TV—and you had an…
Our Feelings Can Help Us Heal or Make Us Ill
Have you ever been embarrassed and your cheeks turn red? When you went on your first date, did your hands get sweaty? Or maybe you gave a presentation at work and were so nervous that your stomach hurt, your heart was racing, or your mouth became dry. These are familiar examples of how your thoughts—and…
How Feelings Shift Our Physiology
Have you ever been embarrassed and your cheeks turn red? When you went on your first date, did your hands get sweaty? Or maybe you gave a presentation at work and were so nervous that your stomach hurt, your heart was racing, or your mouth became dry. These are familiar examples of how your thoughts—and…
Choosing Love Over Fear: Responding From Love Not Reacting From Fear
Reject fear, choose love. This is a popular refrain and wonderful advice. Many believe that there are only two primal emotions in the human being, love and fear, and that we cannot feel both at once. And, that in the same way that light removes darkness, love can remove fear. The choice to reject fear and choose love can feel like…
Motivating Boys to Become Better Young Men
Parents, being adults, try desperately to talk with their sons about deep feelings. They fear their sons are hiding their emotions and that’s causing all sorts of problems behaviorally. Pushing most boys and young men to “open up” and express emotions can backfire. They often shut down. While it’s important to not bottle all emotions…
How to Develop a Healthy Relationship With Your Emotions
She was someone who ruminated and worried all the time. Her mind was constantly busy chewing on and planning for one problem or another. She desperately wanted relief from her thoughts and the cacophony of her mind. And so we went to work. Through the practice of mindfulness, Lina learned to witness her thoughts; she…
Practicing Your Humanity
What does it mean to be human? There are many features that differentiate our species. We build skyscrapers, pray, make art, read books, and drive cars, just to name a few. Then there are the more complex features of the human experience, such as our exceptionally high level of self-awareness, our ability to imagine our…
The Challenges of Daily Routines and How to Face Them
There was a moment when I first started adopting daily routines where I got really frustrated. It was towards the end of my morning routine. I found myself feeling frantic and rushed. I hadn’t done everything I felt was important to the routine and now had to get ready for work and head out the…
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