Category: meteor

NASA Says Giant Meteor Crashed in Southern Texas After Residents Report Loud Explosion

A giant meteor weighing 1,000 pounds crashed into Southern Texas on Feb. 15 shortly after locals reported hearing a large explosion and something falling out of the sky, officials have said. The meteor was about two feet in diameter and broke into tiny pieces after burning up just before hitting the earth on Wednesday evening, according to a…

Doorbell Cameras Captured Some of the Best Videos of Meteor ‘Fireball’ That Lit Up the Alaskan Skies

The last meteor shower of 2022 over southcentral Alaska has been caught on numerous home security cameras, illuminating the early morning winter solstice sky with a flash of fiery color. The meteor appeared at around 5:45 a.m. on Dec. 21, the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, waking many Alaskans from their…

Leonid Meteor Shower Expected to Rain Down on Earth on Night of Nov 17—Here’s What You Need to Know

Every mid-November, Earth passes through a region of outer space littered with bits of cosmic debris that habitually light up like matches in the night sky. The leftover remnants of a comet, called 55P/Tempel-Tuttle, manifest as a stream of space dust, rock, and frozen gas trailing throughout the solar system. Their striking the Earth’s atmosphere results…

2 NASA Spacecraft Detect Biggest Meteor Strikes at Mars

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.—Two NASA spacecraft at Mars—one on the surface and the other in orbit—have recorded the biggest meteor strikes and impact craters yet. The high-speed barrages last year sent seismic waves rippling thousands of miles across Mars, the first ever detected near the surface of another planet, and carved out craters nearly 500 feet…

Draconid Meteor Shower to Grace the Night Sky on Evenings of Oct 8, 9—Here’s What You Need to Know

Look to the north in the evening sky on October 8 and 9, and you might glimpse several slivers of light shooting across the night sky, emanating from the constellation Draco. Around this time each year, Earth passes through a region of space strewn with cosmic debris, chucks of ice and rock, which upon entering…

Fireball Seen Flying Above UK Was a Meteor, Experts Say

A fireball seen shooting through the skies above northern parts of the UK on Wednesday evening was a meteor, experts from the UK Meteor Network have concluded. The network said it had received nearly 800 reports mainly from Northern Ireland and Scotland after a fireball was spotted at about 10 p.m. local time. It said…

Officials: Loud ‘Boom’ Heard in North Utah Likely a Meteor

SALT LAKE CITY—A loud “boom” heard across areas of northern Utah was likely a meteor, officials said Saturday. Reports of the loud noise circulated at about 8:30 a.m., with people from Orem to southern Idaho posting that they heard the “boom,” The Salt Lake Tribune reported. Utah Gov. Spencer Cox wrote on Twitter that his…

Superman: The Magnetic Telescope (1942)

When police interfere with a reckless scientist’s experiment, it creates a deadly meteor shower only Superman can stop. Credit: Public Domain Movies – Feature Films: Cinema collection: Epoch Original content: Feature Films: * Click the “Save” button below the video to access it later on “My List.” Follow EpochTV on social media:…

2 Meteor Showers to Converge for a Late-Summer Light Show in the Night Sky—Here’s What You Need to Know:

What began as a hunk of frozen gas and space dust orbiting the sun 20,000 years ago will soon appear as a light show in the early morning sky. Stargazers will be treated to two distinct meteor showers which converge in late summer and will soon make their yearly rendezvous again. The famous Perseid meteor shower and…

NASA Estimates Metrics of Exploding Meteorite That Shook Ground

PITTSBURGH—A meteorite that caused an earthshaking boom over suburban Pittsburgh on New Year’s Day exploded in the atmosphere with an energy blast equivalent to an estimated 30 tons (27,216 kilograms) of TNT, officials said. NASA’s Meteor Watch social media site said late Sunday a “reasonable assumption” of the speed of the meteorite at about 45,000…