Category: maze

PREMIERING 4 PM ET: Newly Unearthed Slides Prove Daszak Knew of High Risk of Outbreak Involving Lab-Enhanced Virus | Truth Over News

We don’t often get blown away by some newly discovered document—we’ve come to always expect the worst. But then something arose that did blow us away in terms of its sheer audacity, corruption, and dishonesty—even by today’s extremely low standards. We are talking about the revelation that Peter Daszak—the man who operated as Anthony Fauci’s…

Newly Unearthed Slides Prove Daszak Knew of High Risk of Outbreak Involving Lab-Enhanced Virus | Truth Over News

We don’t often get blown away by some newly discovered document—we’ve come to always expect the worst. But then something arose that did blow us away in terms of its sheer audacity, corruption, and dishonesty—even by today’s extremely low standards. We are talking about the revelation that Peter Daszak—the man who operated as Anthony Fauci’s…

Maine’s Oldest Running Corn Maze Celebrates 22nd Year With ‘Winnie the Pooh’ Theme

Corn maze attractions have been booming in the United States, with each creation being incredibly unique and complex. This year, one family, who owns the longest-running maze in Maine, chose to delight visitors with a stunning theme: Winnie-the-Pooh. “This is our 22nd corn maze,” Jonathan Kenerson, owner of Treworgy Family Orchards in Levant, told The Epoch…