Category: manchin

LIVE NOW: NTD News Today (July 17): Train Derailment in Pa. Prompts Evacuations; Businessman With CCP Ties Donates $1.7M to Biden Campaign

Officials evacuated nearby homes after a dozen train cars toppled off the tracks in Southeastern Pennsylvania early Monday morning. A former Disney CEO has donated $1.7 million dollars to the Biden campaign, although questions have been raised about the executive’s ties to China’s communist regime. He once praised China for what he called incredible opportunities,…

NTD News Today (July 17): Train Derailment in Pa. Prompts Evacuations; Businessman With CCP Ties Donates $1.7M to Biden Campaign

Officials evacuated nearby homes after a dozen train cars toppled off the tracks in Southeastern Pennsylvania early Monday morning. A former Disney CEO has donated $1.7 million dollars to the Biden campaign, although questions have been raised about the executive’s ties to China’s communist regime. He once praised China for its being what he called…

LIVE NOW: NTD News Today (May 11): Ankle Monitors for Some Illegal Immigrants; Manchin to Block EPA Picks to Protect Fossil Fuels

As Title 42 ends, Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced a monitoring program yesterday for illegal immigrants. Some of those facing deportation will be forced to wear ankle bracelets and abide by curfews. Democratic Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said on May 10 that he’ll oppose all Environmental Protection Agency nominees until the agency stops implementing rules…

Manchin Vows to Block Biden EPA Nominees Over Upcoming Power Plant Rules

As the Biden administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) prepares to issue stringent new power plant rules, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), is putting his foot down. “I fear that this Administration’s commitment to their extreme ideology overshadows their responsibility to ensure long-lasting energy and economic security and I will oppose all EPA nominees until they halt…

Manchin Opposes Biden’s Pick to Head IRS

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), a key Democratic vote in the evenly divided Senate, announced on Monday that he would oppose the nomination of Daniel Werfel, President Joe Biden’s choice to head the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).  Manchin’s opposition to Werfel’s nomination came as a surprise to many in Washington, as the confirmation vote is expected…

Trump Targets Democrat Policies in CPAC Speech

Former President Donald Trump told conservatives gathered in Texas that senators Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) will pay the ultimate political price for backing a $739 billion bill investing heavily in green energy. Trump made the remarks during a speech to an audience of some 5,000 attendees as the final speaker at the…

Joe Manchin’s New Tax Bill Could Help Hydrogen Electric Vehicles

Hydrogen is “the most dumb thing I could possibly imagine for energy storage,” said Tesla CEO Elon Musk to the Financial Times. “It does not naturally occur on Earth, so you either have to split water with electrolysis or crack hydrocarbons.” Lithium in its pure form also doesn’t occur naturally on Earth, but Musk didn’t…

Manchin Flip-Flop Emphasizes Need For a Flat Tax Amendment

Commentary Those who know the value of freedom most keenly are those who have lived under totalitarianism. When the Eastern Bloc nations were finally liberated, more than three decades ago now, it was no surprise that they sought capitalism like a man lost in the desert yearning for water. But what did astound many was…

US Economy Slips Into Technical Recession; Biden, Xi Hold 5th Talk Amid Tensions | NTD News Today

Democratic Senator Joe Manchin announces a surprise deal, on an alternate version of the Build Back Better bill. Lawmakers on both sides react. The U.S. economy is shrinking. and it has done so for the last two quarters. Are we in a recession now? How is the Biden administration reacting? An economist weighs in and…

Biden Withdraws Raskin’s Fed Nomination After Manchin Shoots It Down

President Joe Biden announced Tuesday that he would withdraw Sarah Bloom Raskin’s nomination to serve as Vice Chair for Supervision of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. The announcement came one day after Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) declared he would not vote for Raskin, a move many observers saw as the death knell for her nomination…