Category: liver detoxification

Rare Disease Erupts in Peru; WHO to Authenticate Health Records; Surprising Habits That Damage Liver

The Peruvian government declares a national health emergency due to a rise of a rare autoimmune disease. The Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a known side effect of some vaccines, including the COVID-19 shots. Peru is one of the highest vaccinated countries in the world against COVID. So what are they doing about GBS? And what…

Doing These 4 Things Can Worsen Liver Health

Do you stare at your phone wherever you go? Do you often work overtime or stay up late? Do you turn to medication regardless of how minor your illness may be? Do you lose your temper easily? All of these habits are liver-damaging behaviors. Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis were the ninth leading cause of…

Recognizing Liver Distress Signals: Springtime Liver Protection Tips

The liver is an essential organ responsible for detoxification, bile production, fat breakdown, and energy storage. However, it is known as a silent organ, as liver problems often go unnoticed until they become severe. On the “Health 1+1” program, Jonathan Liu, a professor at a Canadian public college, shares various warning signs that the liver…

Can Beet Greens Really Improve Liver Function by Removing Unwanted Toxins?

If you’re trying to alkalize the body and optimize your health – beet greens would be a wise choice.  With an earthy bitter taste – these greens have a reputation for helping to regenerate and reactivate red blood cells by supplying oxygen throughout the body.  But, most importantly, beet greens can help to detoxify the…

18 Signs That You Need a Liver Detox

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) – deposits of fat in the liver that can’t be attributed to excessive drinking – currently affects well over 100 million Americans.  And, while nonalcoholic fatty liver disease can be quite mild, untreated NAFLD can lead to serious complications such as, liver cancer, liver failure and premature death.  Simply put, in this…

These Five Substances Protect Your Liver

In a world rife with toxic exposures, you must protect your liver as if your life depends on it — because it does. Here are five substances that can help keep your hardest working organ humming Your liver is one of the hardest working organs in your body, regulating an array of biological processes that…