Category: LifeStyle & Learning

Which Sunscreen is Best? SPF 30, 50, 100? Broad or Multi-spectrum?

Putting its possible dangers aside, sunscreen – which in its present forms, dates back about 100 years –can protect us from getting burnt. And, if you’re not into broad-brimmed hats, long-sleeved shirts, and permanently sporting an umbrella at the beach, sunscreen is likely a viable option for you. The question is, with so many different…

Early Signs of Parkinson’s Can Be Hiding in Your Dreams

Dreams—mysterious journeys that take us to strange and often illogical places. But what if dreams were a window into our health? New research suggests that our dreams may be able to foreshadow serious neurodegenerative diseases—like Parkinson’s—several years before such diseases emerge. ———– 👉 Sponsor OFFER: Get pure, easy-to-store American Elderberry extract at 20% off with…

Are Vegetable Oils Killing Us? We Swapped Them in for Animal Fats 50 Years Ago

Our switch from cooking with animal fats, like butter, to cooking with vegetable oils runs back more than fifty years. It was thought that this would lower cholesterol and the rate of heart attacks. Has switching to vegetable oils benefited our health overall or is the trend going the other way? Dr. Joseph Mercola says…

Can We Lose Weight by ‘Rewiring’ Our Ancient, Survival Eating Instincts?

Does trying to eat less really help you to lose weight? “People who try to eat less are actually very uncomfortable. It’s actually hard to be hungry, and we don’t like it,” says Anna Tobia of the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health at Jefferson University. “So, the best way to lose weight is actually to…

[PREMIERE NOW] Can We Lose Weight by ‘Rewiring’ Our Ancient, Survival Eating Instincts?

Does trying to eat less really help you to lose weight? “People who try to eat less are actually very uncomfortable. It’s actually hard to be hungry, and we don’t like it,” says Anna Tobia of the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health at Jefferson University. “So, the best way to lose weight is actually to…

Teens & 20s: Skincare Habits We Wish Someone Told Us Earlier!

Raise your hand if you’re currently suffering from acne, redness, or any skin-related issue! Raise another hand if you ever felt self-conscious because of it. We want to thank Bubble Skincare for sponsoring this video so that we can share with you the most important tips we wish we knew back in our younger years!…

Can Depression, Anxiety, PTSD be treated with psychedelics? –Dr. Bernardo Merizalde, MD

Psychiatrist Explains Psychedelics for PTSD, Depression, Anxiety – Dr. Bernardo Merizalde, MD According to a 2020 study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, psychedelics hold promise for treating depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, the study also concludes that psychedelics are not currently considered suitable for widespread treatment. Nonetheless, there is a…

No Skincare Challenge

What happens when an oily skin gal and a dry skin gal go about their days without applying skincare for a week? Will chaos ensue or will this be an opportunity for their skin to reset? Fel and Ro (and their poor skin) will be put to the test as they document their skincare-less experiences…

These Are the States Affected by Malaria-Carrying Mosquitoes

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed cases of malaria in Florida and Texas for the first time in 20 years. The agency advised residents to protect themselves from mosquito bites by using repellent, wearing long sleeves, and wearing long pants. On another front, thousands of Americans remain without a sense of taste…

What happens when mRNA tech is used in flu vaccines? Higher effectiveness or higher danger?

The two mRNA vaccines – Pfizer and Moderna – had no impact on overall mortality a re-analysis of trial data shows. While they prevented some Covid-19 deaths this was offset by higher cardiovascular-related deaths for the vaccinated. The jury is largely out on how big the cardiovascular fallout of the mRNA vaccines will be pending…