Category: liberalism

Advocate Says Democrats Turning Maine Into One-Stop Shop for Wokeness

Maine’s Welcome Home nickname should be Welcome Woke, say some Republicans in the New England state. Last week alone, Maine’s Democratic lawmakers shot down a parental consent bill over the use of alternative gender pronouns in school,  passed one of the largest tax hikes in Maine’s history, and one of the most liberal late-term abortion…

Ending Systemic Liberalism

The following review is part of RealClear Books and Culture’s symposium on Patrick Deneen’s “Regime Change.” A hundred years from today imagine the United States looks something like this: to accommodate a growing population, the lower chamber expands to some 1000 elected representatives and our electoral process switches from a primary to a caucus-based system. Our nation’s…

R R Reno Examines the Perils of ‘Permanent Revolution’

Commentary Over the course of our lifetime we have been speeding toward one of the most dysfunctional and hopeless episodes in modern history. According to Catholic scholar Rusty Reno, our present condition wasn’t just brought on by misguided ideologies. In the June/July edition of First Things Magazine, Reno said we are suffering from a “general…

Reflections on the Condition of British Liberalism 

Commentary Traveling to Portugal in early April, I came across an English-language newspaper serving the country’s Algarve region. The Portuguese paper reported on a Positive News Magazine summary of a recent King’s College London study that found the UK is “becoming more liberal.” Positive News reported that Britain is now among “the world’s most progressive…

The Decline and Fall of the University

Commentary Since retiring from the university, several people have asked if I miss it. I tell them I miss what it was, but not what it has become. Higher education in America has gone from being the best in the world to one of the most pathetic. Why? It’s hard to describe what academia was to…

Liberalism as We Knew It Is Extinct

Commentary There were two simultaneous hearings yesterday in the House now ruled by Republicans. The first concerned Big Tech censorship and featured Twitter ex-employees being grilled on their role in controlling the public mind in ways that were politically biased. It was mostly boring of course but I was struck by how many times the…

[Premiering at 8PM EST] The Link Between Progressivism and Antisemitism | Church & State

In this episode, pastor Lucas Miles unpacks the rising antisemitic attacks from progressive circles and how antisemitism is becoming a tenet of liberalism. He also dives into the “why” behind the biblical command to protect Israel and how we as Christians can help live out that command. The Link Between Progressivism and Antisemitism | Church…

The Link Between Progressivism and Antisemitism | Church & State

In this episode, pastor Lucas Miles unpacks the rising antisemitic attacks from progressive circles and how antisemitism is becoming a tenet of liberalism. He also dives into the “why” behind the biblical command to protect Israel and how we as Christians can help live out that command. The Link Between Progressivism and Antisemitism | Church…

Victim Olympics: You Lose if You Win

Our culture now revolves around a giant game of Victim Olympics. Prizes are awarded to whoever suffers most in the opinion of the judges. Schools teach children how to demonstrate suffering because that’s the skill that our culture rewards. There are many events in the Victim Olympics—some based on inborn traits and others open to…

The Backstory of the Great Reset, or How to Destroy Classical Liberalism

Commentary As should be clear by now, Francis Fukuyama’s declaration in “The End of History: The Last Man” (1992) that we had arrived at “the end of history” did not mean that classical liberalism, or laissez-faire economics, had emerged victorious over communism and fascism, or that the final ideological hegemony signaled the end of socialism. In fact,…