Category: Leonardo Di Caprio

Rex Murphy: Hollywood Cause-Merchants Should Keep Their Noses Out of World Issues

Commentary Celebrities, from the C-list to the A-list, have been infesting politics for half a century now. Various halfwits and noodleheads have convinced themselves that because they lucked out in the entertainment lottery, landed a slot on some spin-off soap opera, or because their vulgar howlings won them a Grammy or its so-low-rent equivalent, a…

Rex Murphy: Hollywood Cause-Merchants Should Keep Their Noses Out of Issues They Know Little About

Commentary Celebrities, from the C-list to the A-list, have been infesting politics for half a century now. Various halfwits and noodleheads have convinced themselves that because they lucked out in the entertainment lottery, landed a slot on some spin-off soap opera, or because their vulgar howlings won them a Grammy or its so-low-rent equivalent, a…